What do want to do with George W. Bush?

What do you want to do?

  • Electrocute his ass!

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • Place a stungun under his chair!

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Learn him to READ!

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Drop a neutron bomb over the White House!

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • Give him a dynamite stick and say it's a cuban cigar!

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Rearrange his face!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Walk in with a M-60 machinegun in his office and give him what he deserves!

    Votes: 8 17.0%
  • Play CoB on highest sound 'til his eardrum blows!

    Votes: 18 38.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Crusader said:
If you thought that would be fun joke you're really dumb.

I think it's fucking hilarious.Not as funny as these inane, non-educated arguements about war, but still most amusing.
And most importantly of all:
Needled24Seven said:
you people. i dont see your damn goverments helping out anyone. you think any goverment is really good or bad. like every goverment doesnt have a dark side. your just all so diluted, i really wonder where you get this shit. is it in your schools, or do your ignorant parents tell you this shit, or maybe you get it from your tvs do you think theres anything ready enough to lie to you as your tv, no i dont think so. if our country is so bad, like you say, why do i see so many immigrants from your own countries coming to america???

And why just your people are right? Did you learn at school that your country are perfect and you're the most inteligent people in the whole world? Did you see on tv that you're the best and the other countries have to respect you and make everything for you??? Did your parents say to you that parents of foreing people are ignorant and they are wonderful in all the things they do or speak?
Nobody said here they're own goverment is perfect...for example, Brazillian goverment is terrible, but it isn't for that reason we have to support your goverment!!!!!!! The world is tired to be manipulating for USA!!! :heh:

And immigrants go to US not because your country is perfect...They go searching for money, just that... :Smug:
I'm spanish and 80% of people are against war here.
I agree with AlexOfBodom. I think his opinions are supported by good arguments and he knows what he's talking about. And he isn't insulting anyone, he's just stating his opinions. If you can't stand it that's your problem.
I have nothing personal against other countries, well maybe with the exception of Iraq, but this is an issue between our country, my country, the U.S.A. and Iraq. Sure you might have concerns and such about the outcome, but you aren't involved! I mean shit, why is it that people in other countries think that they are in this war? You aren't! And until you are, you have no say. Sure you can have opinions, but don't try to push the old "We are involved in this war too" bullshit because you in fact aren't. And what gives you the right to sit here and disrespect our country without knowing all of the fucking facts? Like I have mentioned before, you don't fucking live here! What is your country going to do about it? Fight us? I mean no disrespect towards anyone or any country, I just want you non-Americans to realize that you don't have any say in it unless you really know our government and/or have lived here long enough to know. Did fucking Saddam or Osama bomb your country? Did they take down a major essential of your country? How would you like it if the Big Bend was to collapse killing thousands upon thousands of people. Or how about your fucking Eiffle Tower? Or maybe the Leaning Tower of Pisa was given a little terrorist boost to topple over killing a shitload of your country's people? Until that happens, stay out of it! This is our problem, our concern. Saddam is known for his reputation of creating biological weapons and may use them on us. We are threatened by him and he won't comply with the standards we agreed on a decade ago. He threatened us, it is of OUR, not YOUR best interest into taken him out and deleting one of the most dangerous men alive. It will benefit the world. We are risking our asses to help not only us, but every other fucking country in this world. Show us some fucking respect, as we do for you. If WWIII breaks out and your country is involved, feel free to put down and what-not whatever. Until then, stay the fuck out of our business and quit putting us down, because honestly, you may know something, but you really don't know anything.

Also, like I said before, I don't mean to disrespect anyone or any country, but I felt that I had to make the above statement for mutiple reasons.

NP: Children of Bodom - Downfall
>We are risking our asses to help not only us, but every other fucking country in this world.

if by risking your asses you mean lobbing an assload of cruise missiles on cities (much like your heroic country did with Japan at the end of WW2), then i could almost say i see your point
otherwise, you know what i'm gonna say

btw Bush specifically is a fucking coward, he's gonna bomb a fucking country and he needs to say that he's gonna drop supplies and medicaments after the war in mass media to convince himself that he's magnanimous, ironically much like that character from Gladiator

now about helping the whole world? erm, wtf?? the only thing you'll get done to help this world is take a little pressure off the whole problem of overpopulation... by killing millions of people (of course they're all enemies, the male grown ups that tote guns as well as kids and women)
and even in that case, i'm sorry but after looking into myself i still didn't find any respect for your country's government (which you call "country" as a whole, in my opinion incorrectly so)

and about we knowing something? yeah i reckon the US know it all but i just seem to miss a little something here: if the US know it all, then why is it that you can't figure out the wrong side about slaining a whole population? no matter the real motives behind it, isn't that pretty much pulling a Hitler?

if you wanna talk about facts, ok then here's a fact or two: the big majority of Iraqi people are very disconnected from the world; they practically don't have internet and their media is completely regulated by their government, so most of that population probably isn't even aware of what's gonna happen, they're probably not even aware that their country is at war! and don't come up with that whole "they were celebrating the sept 11 attacks" cause that's probably what their media circle washed their brains for, and even if that wasn't the case, well gee, i don't see the point in killing people in masses for the sole fact of celebrating terrorism!

also one last thing: your "country" (again: the government and its closed ring of shareholders) is in this war after oil and power, nothing else
of course no one is here to justify war, because war itself has ABSOLUTELY NO HUMAN JUSTIFICATION
so unless you bring the alien or the predator or a fucking martian to justify a one way war (or a stand off war, if you will), of course no one will justify the war
EagleFlyFree said:
if by risking your asses you mean lobbing an assload of cruise missiles on cities (much like your heroic country did with Japan at the end of WW2), then i could almost say i see your point otherwise, you know what i'm gonna say
Before we get into this, where are you from? And how fucking dare you bring up WWII? As well as bringing it up in a sarcastic, patronizing way with a statement like "heroic country." A LOT of great men and women from MANY countries lost their lives in that war. The United States didn't just "lob an assload of missles" at Japan; they fought a lengthy and bloody campaign throughout the beachheads and jungles of the Orient and Southeast Asia. The 2 nuclear weapons - which I personally consider a horrible tragedy, btw - were done as a way of ENDING the long, drawn-out Pacific Theater. It was no doubt terrible, but would it have been any better to allow it to drag on for another 2 years? Killing thousands more in the meantime? And let's not forget that the Japanese Air Force snuck attack the United States in the most cowardly manner possible, when the USA wasn't involved in the war in any greater capacity than providing supplies to our European allies. Get your facts straight BOY.
btw Bush specifically is a fucking coward, he's gonna bomb a fucking country and he needs to say that he's gonna drop supplies and medicaments after the war in mass media to convince himself that he's magnanimous, ironically much like that character from Gladiator
I'm not the most ardent Bush supporter, but he's nowhere near a coward. In fact, he's only being 'advised' what to do by an entire team of men and women. For people who just love to blast the USA for every little thing, and profess to know what we're all about, you and people like you constantly prove that you don't know shit about how our democracy and government actually work. You don't see me sitting here pretending to know how British Parliament works, do you? Shut the fuck up already.

I honestly don't know what you're getting at with the Gladiator comment, but for your information (and you clearly need a lot more of it), the United States government HAS been dropping supplies, food & medicine for the past 5+ YEARS to MANY in-need nations, specifically in the Middle East (including Afghanistan, Sudan, Kuwait and more).
now about helping the whole world? erm, wtf?? the only thing you'll get done to help this world is take a little pressure off the whole problem of overpopulation... by killing millions of people (of course they're all enemies, the male grown ups that tote guns as well as kids and women) and even in that case, i'm sorry but after looking into myself i still didn't find any respect for your country's government (which you call "country" as a whole, in my opinion incorrectly so)
We've killed millions of people? Wow, I knew it was in the thousands, like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, but millions? Hrm, forgive me for taking the chance that you don't know what you're talking about once again. Show me your proof of this. Provide me a link, or a website with the statistics. Anything to lend yourself some credibility.
and about we knowing something? yeah i reckon the US know it all but i just seem to miss a little something here: if the US know it all, then why is it that you can't figure out the wrong side about slaining a whole population? no matter the real motives behind it, isn't that pretty much pulling a Hitler?
What whole population are we going to be "slaining?" I'm curious. You said yourself in the beginning of your post that we were going to be "lobbing an assload of cruise missles on cities" so as to protect our precious soldiers, right? Do you even know the armaments or weaponry we're going to be using? Did you know that approximately 80% of the weaponry is guided so precisely by computers that the armed forces can pinpoint a non-civilian target from more than 100 miles away? Did you know that for the past 3-4 weeks, the United States has been dropping pamphlets over Iraqi military establishments with the sole purpose of encouraging the wavering Iraqi soldiers that it'd be in their best interest to abandon those posts. This was clearly designed to minimize the loss of human life. The United States understands that 99% of the Iraqi people are not at fault for the actions and irresponsibility of their maniacal leader. They are not the targets. Unlike the 3,500+ MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN who were in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and those 4 airplanes.
also one last thing: your "country" (again: the government and its closed ring of shareholders) is in this war after oil and power, nothing else
It's laughable how you believe you "know" this to be a fact. Please, explain to the class (since you're being schooled) how the United States is in this for "power"? Ok, now that you obviously have nothing to support that, how about "oil"? Right, nothing there either.

Well, here are some FACTS. Pay attention BOY.

1) Less than 10% of the oil the United States imports come from the Iraqi oil fields. 90+% of the oil the United States uses comes from Alaska (part of our country), Texas (part of our country), Louisiana (see a trend here?), the Gulf of Mexico (off the coastlines of Texas and Louisiana), Russia, and yes, the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
2) The Great Alaska Pipeline is operating at 20% flow capacity. If the United States truly needed oil, we'd turn our own fucking reserves on.
3) The Iraqi oil fields represent roughly 8-10% of the entire planet's oil supplies; a large number no doubt, but hardly the be-all-end-all that many of you uninformed children seem to think.
4) The 3 greatest importers of oil from Iraq are: a) FRANCE, b) GERMANY, and c) RUSSIA. Coincidentally, these have been the 3 most vocal countries that are vehemently against a U.S. invasion of Iraq. Which 1 of these 3 countries do you live in?

That is all I have to say on this. When you're ready to grow the fuck up and be unbiasedly educated about the topic, feel free to join the discussion again. Until then, you're nothing more than a misinformed child, who has done nothing but bad-mouth MY country. That doesn't sit well with me at all.
I'll not take part in this stupid discussion, just one thing to say, like Kimberly Goss says: THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL FORUM!

FUCK OFF all the people (American or not) who thinks that their own country is perfect, better than another countries or have power to do whatever they want to do . I really hope to see who thinks that way burning their asses in a chemical war.

Now can we go back to talk about fucking metal????
Needled24Seven said:
i know these were terrorists but they are supported by their country. in fact their religion states that they want everyone who does not live by there religion to die.

Wow. Have you read the Quran? Do you know what the Quran is? BEcause at no point in it does it say this. The media drill the "definition" of jihad into our minds. But this definition is simply not true. Jihad is the idea that if someone does not have a religion, it is one's duty as a Muslim to educate them on your beliefs. Not to kill them. Dammit, shit like this pisses me off. I cannot stand close-minded Americans who have never been off of their continent. I am an American and am by no means saying that every American is, but our illustrious president was guilty of this charge before coming into office. He sure is a hell of a diplomat. If America really wanted support for the war, they'd let Blair do the talking because he isn't nearly as pessimistic or close-minded in his reasoning.

to begin with, i'm dialoguing with Seph, so kindly take your "massive bitch slap" and stick it up your ass, if there isn't an american flag blocking the way in there already

and now a little advocacy to myself:

markgugs said:
Before we get into this, where are you from? And how fucking dare you bring up WWII? As well as bringing it up in a sarcastic, patronizing way with a statement like "heroic country." A LOT of great men and women from MANY countries lost their lives in that war. The United States didn't just "lob an assload of missles" at Japan; they fought a lengthy and bloody campaign throughout the beachheads and jungles of the Orient and Southeast Asia. The 2 nuclear weapons - which I personally consider a horrible tragedy, btw - were done as a way of ENDING the long, drawn-out Pacific Theater. It was no doubt terrible, but would it have been any better to allow it to drag on for another 2 years? Killing thousands more in the meantime? And let's not forget that the Japanese Air Force snuck attack the United States in the most cowardly manner possible, when the USA wasn't involved in the war in any greater capacity than providing supplies to our European allies. Get your facts straight BOY.

"WW2" is either a 6 year long bloody war, or a way of referring to a period; i said in WW2 as i could have said 1945. but if that offended Mr-grandchild-of-a-Omaha-veteran here, please accept my apology. and i'm from "fucking" Argentina

one more thing: Pearl Harbor (naval base) vs Hiroshima (city) and Nagasaki (city)
gee i wonder what's unbalancing the equation here...
so you cry cause Mr. Japanese Man went kamikaze on your naval base that was doing nothing but having milk shakes and helping the british, after you dropped nuclear bombs in cities full of civilians that were doing nothing but having sushi and carrying on with their lives

markgugs said:
For people who just love to blast the USA for every little thing, and profess to know what we're all about, you and people like you constantly prove that you don't know shit about how our democracy and government actually work.

straight to the point: take your motherfucking anti-anti-american attitude and generalizations about what other people in the world think about your country, and shove them way up your asshole

if i said that Bush is a coward it's because he off-handedly sends his trillion dollar military against a country; why i don't even know (at times i'm forced to believe even HE doesn't know, but yeah there's always that tiny little oil fact)

btw, if nags you so fucking much that i call your whole government by "Bush" then fine, copy my text to MS Wordpad and replace the string "Bush" with "your whole government"

markgugs said:
We've killed millions of people?

i said you WILL kill millions of people; Iraq has 24 million people and you're gonna send your shining cruise missiles over their cities

markgugs said:
The United States understands that 99% of the Iraqi people are not at fault for the
actions and irresponsibility of their maniacal leader.

way to get rid of their maniacal leader (even if he is an unruly and brain washing dictator), go against the whole country
and don't talk about non civilian targets; if you were so fucking concerned with civilian safety as to have been sending supplies and whatnot to those countries for the past 5 years as you say, then how do you explain the recent blind rage bombings on Afghanistain and all the civilian lives it took away? before you bring up the whole twin towers deal again, take a look at what you do: condemn a country for killing civilians and then going in and bombing the shit out of that same country, killing thousands of people in cities and then saying "oops" with retarded protocol speeches in the vein of "we regret these tragic deaths" and other such bullshit

markgugs said:
It's laughable how you believe you "know" this to be a fact. Please, explain to the class (since you're being schooled) how the United States is in this for "power"? Ok, now that you obviously have nothing to support that, how about "oil"? Right, nothing there either.

it annoys me having to quote and therefore copy such a pathetic piece of text but i just have to in favor of my point
which is:

oil: whoah we have so many reserves, how about we go stealing other (lesser and relatively indefense) countries' oil reserves to use them up while oil outage isn't a problem worldwide, and then when the day comes that the oil reserves worldwide dry up, we come up with more wonderful ways to suck blood out of the countries we didn't already bomb, by selling them our precious oil in fucking jars?

power: Iraq, then Korea, then China, and so on and on and on
see the link? you just can't fucking get enough of your economic hegemony worldwide, you just need to be the big bully in every other aspect too, including military potential --how about this here: you claim to be in it for world peace and safety, yeah that's great, just "risk your asses" at bringing down every other country that has decent military power to become the greatest bully in the milky way
now here's a question: who will fucking guarantee me that after all that, you won't be the tyrants misusing their nuclear power against "world peace and order"? who will fucking guarantee me that my grandchild won't be bombed the shit out of this planet by the US while shitting in his toilet at home in a century or two?

@the rest of your lessening blabber: yeah yeah whatever feeds your sensible ego

and at the rest of the people who cheered me being "bitch slapped": look up "childish behavior"; there's ought to be pictures of you next to it

@Seph specifically: i don't really give a rat's ass for the others (not any more of a rat's ass that i'd give on any human being, cause after all i WOULD NOT execute someone who offended me, unlike your government)
but as of you, i hope you do understand that this isn't anything personal against you
EagleFlyFree said:
@Seph specifically: i don't really give a rat's ass for the others (not any more of a rat's ass that i'd give on any human being, cause after all i WOULD NOT execute someone who offended me, unlike your government)
but as of you, i hope you do understand that this isn't anything personal against you
Oh, no problem man. I know you don't mean any disrespect. :)

NP: Children of Bodom - Towards Dead End
Damn, this thread goes gay and lying. It was suppose to take bitch out of JWB.

WWII is quite sensitive thin' as, what markgugs already said, all of the world lost somethin' or someone in that war.

Rethinking about SS brutality and unhuman treating of ppl in Europe I cannot see any good reasons why JWB wants to attack Iraq. I think the only reason he wants to do it, its because of the Iraq's oil.

And tell me, is it the reason to sacrifice thousands of ppl in another bloody shit?
LordFireworm said:
I think it's fucking hilarious.Not as funny as these inane, non-educated arguements about war, but still most amusing.
And most importantly of all:
I don't see anyone laughing :rolleyes: And those so called arguments weren't jokes of some kind, how did you get to that?! How old are you?! 10? 11?

Needled24Seven said:
the fact is they attacked us dont bullshit yourself yes their country was 100% backing them up, and they are a major threat to us and most of the world. what should we do sit here picking our asses and wait to be killed. if your too ignorant to see this in the first place i dont expect you to ever get it.
Iraq never really attacked you, Al Qaueda did.
markgugs said:
Before we get into this, where are you from? And how fucking dare you bring up WWII? As well as bringing it up in a sarcastic, patronizing way with a statement like "heroic country." A LOT of great men and women from MANY countries lost their lives in that war. The United States didn't just "lob an assload of missles" at Japan; they fought a lengthy and bloody campaign throughout the beachheads and jungles of the Orient and Southeast Asia. The 2 nuclear weapons - which I personally consider a horrible tragedy, btw - were done as a way of ENDING the long, drawn-out Pacific Theater. It was no doubt terrible, but would it have been any better to allow it to drag on for another 2 years? Killing thousands more in the meantime? And let's not forget that the Japanese Air Force snuck attack the United States in the most cowardly manner possible, when the USA wasn't involved in the war in any greater capacity than providing supplies to our European allies. Get your facts straight BOY.

I honestly don't know what you're getting at with the Gladiator comment, but for your information (and you clearly need a lot more of it), the United States government HAS been dropping supplies, food & medicine for the past 5+ YEARS to MANY in-need nations, specifically in the Middle East (including Afghanistan, Sudan, Kuwait and more).
1) Less than 10% of the oil the United States imports come from the Iraqi oil fields. 90+% of the oil the United States uses comes from Alaska (part of our country), Texas (part of our country), Louisiana (see a trend here?), the Gulf of Mexico (off the coastlines of Texas and Louisiana), Russia, and yes, the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
2) The Great Alaska Pipeline is operating at 20% flow capacity. If the United States truly needed oil, we'd turn our own fucking reserves on.
3) The Iraqi oil fields represent roughly 8-10% of the entire planet's oil supplies; a large number no doubt, but hardly the be-all-end-all that many of you uninformed children seem to think.
4) The 3 greatest importers of oil from Iraq are: a) FRANCE, b) GERMANY, and c) RUSSIA. Coincidentally, these have been the 3 most vocal countries that are vehemently against a U.S. invasion of Iraq. Which 1 of these 3 countries do you live in?

That is all I have to say on this. When you're ready to grow the fuck up and be unbiasedly educated about the topic, feel free to join the discussion again. Until then, you're nothing more than a misinformed child, who has done nothing but bad-mouth MY country. That doesn't sit well with me at all.
"How dare you bring up WWII?"
And let's not forget that the Japanese Air Force snuck attack the United States in the most cowardly manner possible
oh no, are the Japeneses bad now?! NO HERE'S FUCKING FACTS

Answer to markgugs row two in qoute:
Like you were the only one who gave aid and help to the ones who needed it.
And it's not about how much oil it is, the earth got plenty of oil, but it is the price who changes in this war, the oil and gas prices are already skyhigh, and now it's going to raise again.

Answer to qoute row 3:
Don't you criticize your country at all? Do yuo really trust blind in what Bush says and does? I criticize my country.