And justice for some
I voted for the only one which doesn't imply killing... After all, I'm pacifist...
*waiting for incoming insults*
I LOVE IT, CAPS LOCK MAKES IT MORE FUN LOLTut Ankh Amon said:so it looks like i have started the "post every great truth with the size="7" tag" fashion, huh?
uhm, my dear, the pacific theater was already ended, the japanese were no danger to the allied forces anymore, they'd have surrenderd anyways. 2 years my ass, get some sense for reality, goddamnit. And, concerning pearl harbour: there is something called sneak attack, a common method of warfare, you seem to misunderstand what war is about, my dear. Let me tell you, that it's not about knightly behavior... an big part of americas pacific fleet gathered at one naval base is just plain inviting for an japanese force.markgugs said:[MASSIVE BITCH SLAP]Before we get into this, where are you from? And how fucking dare you bring up WWII? As well as bringing it up in a sarcastic, patronizing way with a statement like "heroic country." A LOT of great men and women from MANY countries lost their lives in that war. The United States didn't just "lob an assload of missles" at Japan; they fought a lengthy and bloody campaign throughout the beachheads and jungles of the Orient and Southeast Asia. The 2 nuclear weapons - which I personally consider a horrible tragedy, btw - were done as a way of ENDING the long, drawn-out Pacific Theater. It was no doubt terrible, but would it have been any better to allow it to drag on for another 2 years? Killing thousands more in the meantime? And let's not forget that the Japanese Air Force snuck attack the United States in the most cowardly manner possible, when the USA wasn't involved in the war in any greater capacity than providing supplies to our European allies. Get your facts straight BOY.I'm not the most ardent Bush supporter, but he's nowhere near a coward. In fact, he's only being 'advised' what to do by an entire team of men and women. For people who just love to blast the USA for every little thing, and profess to know what we're all about, you and people like you constantly prove that you don't know shit about how our democracy and government actually work. You don't see me sitting here pretending to know how British Parliament works, do you? Shut the fuck up already.
It's not the goverment, which is dropping the supplies, rather some aid orgainsations, and... in a country, where 2% of the population is able to feet the remaining 98%, whilst there is still abduance, it's not an art to give the foot away. Before it starts rotting in the storage houses... (btw, i wouldn't really count Kuwait as an in-need nation). Ah, you've asked for an link... http://www.sumeria.net/politics/usa.html here it is. You can be especially proud of ending elected gouvernement in chile, which led to the uprise of pinochet. The cruise-missile fact is also wrong, it requires, afaik, an ariplane which marks the target with an laser to get this precise guidance.I honestly don't know what you're getting at with the Gladiator comment, but for your information (and you clearly need a lot more of it), the United States government HAS been dropping supplies, food & medicine for the past 5+ YEARS to MANY in-need nations, specifically in the Middle East (including Afghanistan, Sudan, Kuwait and more).We've killed millions of people? Wow, I knew it was in the thousands, like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, but millions? Hrm, forgive me for taking the chance that you don't know what you're talking about once again. Show me your proof of this. Provide me a link, or a website with the statistics. Anything to lend yourself some credibility.What whole population are we going to be "slaining?" I'm curious. You said yourself in the beginning of your post that we were going to be "lobbing an assload of cruise missles on cities" so as to protect our precious soldiers, right? Do you even know the armaments or weaponry we're going to be using? Did you know that approximately 80% of the weaponry is guided so precisely by computers that the armed forces can pinpoint a non-civilian target from more than 100 miles away? Did you know that for the past 3-4 weeks, the United States has been dropping pamphlets over Iraqi military establishments with the sole purpose of encouraging the wavering Iraqi soldiers that it'd be in their best interest to abandon those posts. This was clearly designed to minimize the loss of human life. The United States understands that 99% of the Iraqi people are not at fault for the actions and irresponsibility of their maniacal leader. They are not the targets. Unlike the 3,500+ MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN who were in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and those 4 airplanes.It's laughable how you believe you "know" this to be a fact. Please, explain to the class (since you're being schooled) how the United States is in this for "power"? Ok, now that you obviously have nothing to support that, how about "oil"? Right, nothing there either.
As i have said before, the us is not out for oil on a quantitative base, but for gaining more control of the oil market, and, those 3 countries you've mentioned there would profit from an us invasion in iraq, since this would mean opening up iraq to the west, make it possible to get own oil corporations invest in this region. And... didn't you mention russia as an oil exporter a few lines ago?? A bit paradox, that now, russia is mentioned as a nation which is in need to import oil...Well, here are some FACTS. Pay attention BOY.
1) Less than 10% of the oil the United States imports come from the Iraqi oil fields. 90+% of the oil the United States uses comes from Alaska (part of our country), Texas (part of our country), Louisiana (see a trend here?), the Gulf of Mexico (off the coastlines of Texas and Louisiana), Russia, and yes, the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
2) The Great Alaska Pipeline is operating at 20% flow capacity. If the United States truly needed oil, we'd turn our own fucking reserves on.
3) The Iraqi oil fields represent roughly 8-10% of the entire planet's oil supplies; a large number no doubt, but hardly the be-all-end-all that many of you uninformed children seem to think.
4) The 3 greatest importers of oil from Iraq are: a) FRANCE, b) GERMANY, and c) RUSSIA. Coincidentally, these have been the 3 most vocal countries that are vehemently against a U.S. invasion of Iraq. Which 1 of these 3 countries do you live in?
That is all I have to say on this. When you're ready to grow the fuck up and be unbiasedly educated about the topic, feel free to join the discussion again. Until then, you're nothing more than a misinformed child, who has done nothing but bad-mouth MY country. That doesn't sit well with me at all.
BODOMITE FOR PRESIDENT!!!bodomite said:If they draft me they will have to jail me because i will commit no harm to another man because the government wishs me to kill other people in another country that I dont even know! Its sick and wrong!
High Speed Kurt said:fucking europeans...never ceases to amaze me, we saved your fucking asses in WW II...dont forget that.