What do you demand from the new album?

It'd be good to hear them add a few clean vocals next time around, like on Projector -- not sure why they moved away from that on the last two albums! Mikael has a pretty good "normal" singing voice -- it'd be cool to hear him use it more often.
I'd like to see:

* Clean vocals (not too much though).

* Acoustic guitars.

* "happy" guitar melodies ala Dobermann or Zodijackyl light.

* More temposhifts, some very fast parts and some slow to add variation.

* Concept album would be nice (yeah, I know they're not dream theater or anything but I think it would be cool).

* Keyboards a more laidback approach to create atmosphere (unless a certain lead melody fits the keyboard perfectly).

* Strings (well...they could atleast try it in one song, like Borknagar did on "The Genuine Pulse").

* Clearer bassdrum, otherwise the drums sounded just perfect on DD.
Originally posted by RealHazard

Feel free to thank me of this great (?) thread.. :)

The topic was very tempting... :)

I don't know if I should be more serious and on-topic but just in case I think I'll join the Sundin+Lyrics mobb. Not that I don't like Stanne's (brilliant) lyrics but I like his style, but I doubt that it will happen...
i'd wish for
#1 no quicktime movies, just plain old .avi or .mpg
#2 some clean vocals
#3 clearer drums production
#4 acoustic parts between songs, sometimes
#5 i miss a really great instrumental, you know, like metallica did some
#6 some songs on DD end somewhat hasty.. maybe some extra thoughts on intro & outro
#7 a nice drum solo :)
#8 to differ from all these japan-collectors-edition-whatsoever releases i'd wish for a double-cd released especially in germany with bonus tracks on the main cd and loads of video & audio live footage :D

well that's about it :)
My demands are:

1. The new album should definitely be a step to a completely new direction for the band. Although I disagree with Ormir about the quality of Damage Done, I admit that another just-blend-our-previous-stuff-together-album wouldn't work (or at least wouldn't work as well as DD). I have no idea what this new direction could be, but a change as dramatic in style as between The Mind's I and Projector is IMHO needed. I know this isn't easy for a band that has already covered quite a variety of styles, but I trust the guys to be able to do it once again (now that they indeed din't invent much new last time).

2. Variation within the album. The last two DT-offerings have perhaps been slightly too concentrated efforts - there are no big changes in style within the albums (except for Emptier Still on Haven). I would like there to be some more surprising elements in the song-structures (although DT has never really lacked them; they just aren't nowadays as abundant as they used to be) and arrangements - be they clean vocals, female vocals, acoustic guitars or whatever new the band invents.

3. Also, I wouldn't mind having some of the lyrics being written by Sundin (or some other band-member?), instead of them all by Stanne - although I think the lyrics on DD are of excellent quality, they are somewhat repeating in approach. A song with different kind of lyrics somewhere in the middle of the album could "shake up" the whole concept in a positive way. Something like this wouldn't probably have fitted Projector well (with the same themes going through the whole album), but as I find for example the lyrics of DD not so tightly knit together, I don't see a reason why all the lyrics should be written by a same person there.

4. I should get an extra-special-version with a dozen bonus-tracks no-one else will ever hear! :p

DT is an excellent band! And I'm very happy with damage done...I'm blown away! As far as I can expect for the next album...all I know is that I can never be dissapointed with their music!It's fuckin dark tranquillity after all!They have a very unique sound and they contribute a whole lot to metal for me!Kind of like they play a big part in my life...hehe...Maybe there might be clean vocals in the next album...or maybe not...or maybe even no electronics...who knows...expect the unexpected....I think that dark tranquillity is exploring alot...an thats a big +...many bands fail to do that an stick with one sound throughotu their career..I can't even classify dt in a specific metal genre...it's like a big mixture!...i do hope though that they keep up around the themes and sound of damage done!it's like the older stuff ignited...lol...put some haven an projector in there...cheers!
oh by the way!where is the in flames bored!?hmmm...speakin fo in flames too...i know many of you may be dissapointed...i for one am not...in flames are exploring alot these days too an i think what they did on their last album was great!they really showed some fo those "new" bands how to do it!cause these days alot of bands are trying to sound like in flames and dark tranquillity etc.I mean its one thing when u are inspired by someoens music but its anotehr thing when u soundin alot like them...anyhow lemme stop talkin now..i'm bored thaz why!

to the swedish gods of metal!

P.S. The enemies of reality are coming...
a) 8 minute bass solos!
b) Cleaner drums.
c) Higher guitar mixing.
d) An aknowledgement to the suffering of Finnish fans.
e) That the band keep on making music for themselves, not others.
This will take a while....

1) Musically speaking, I want this album to be more diverse - Behold how Projector slipped between styles, or TMI...

2) Lyrically, a more centralised theme... again, harking back to Projector/TMI.

3) Niklas back on lyrics. Not neccesarily doing massloads, but going over them in a more joint role with Mikael would be very cool.

4) Extremity. I'd love to see DT swing between the extremes... not neccesarily in one song (tho maybe one like that would be cool), but wild songs, calm songs, heavy songs, depressors etc.etc.

5) A darker vein of inspiration would be cool... DD was heavy, but lacked the savagery that accompanied OCaEN, MtI, much of the TMI... or the bitter defiance of TT, IC, lethe etc.etc.

6) Acoustics. I want to see acoustics again, and I think they could do some very nice stuff mixing acoustics with electronics... possibly.

7) Clean vocals... used Skydancer style, with perhaps one or two songs reliant on them. Female vocals would be nice, but not neccesary.

8) I'd like to see DT use some more galleryesque guitar leads, as well as the post-TMI ones (not to mention Format C and Hours passed... this might necceistate DT becoming more guitar led again, but this is a good thing imo.

9) More imaginative use of the bass - maybe a bass intro, or melody reliant on it...

10) The keyboards have been handled well so far, but in some songs I'd like to hear it done more traditionally piano perhaps... I dunno. Stick as they are, with maybe a bit more of a back seat...

11) Anders should go craaazy. Rat a tat tat BLAST!
wow. I accidentally stumbled onto this thread. interesting. looks like the band listened. :)

I see:

A new direction (not completely?)
Darker, heavier, more brutal
Great lyrics

No acoustics
No clean vocals