What do you guys think about this?

Yep, i've been looking into all this for a long while.
i must watch this video. seems good, but beware, there is some aweful dumb shit out there though, masquerading as legit info.
you should look for a documentary called "The Money Masters" , it was made some time in the 80s, explains the banking system from its roots, through all of American history, the Federal Reserve and the fractional reserve banking system. it also predicts the economic collapse we are living through right now.

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever."
— George Orwell (1984)
Saw it. Don't know what to think. Been looking into all this stuff for a long time as well. Most of it seems like bullshit. Some isn't. Gotta research the shit yourself or you may become a paranoid conspirita nut.

For me personally, money is falling from the sky. ;)