what do you hate more than anything?

I dont believe people should act or dress the same way but have some fucking dignity and not wear their fucking pants down around their ass or their hats sideways or like a fucking poser rapper or some shit like that.
everyone know days is all LETS LOVE EVERYONE and thats bullshit. Have some standards and morals fucking liberal shit. I hope and pray everyday that god wil end this useless worthless existence that we as a race have made for us. THere are very few people in this world that deserve to live. I dont think Im one of them either. Human race as a whole is pointless.
THere are very few people in this world that deserve to live. I dont think Im one of them either. Human race as a whole is pointless.

Bas667 said:
I hate bush, poeple who believe that rap actually is music,rappers,rap,people who listen to rap,my teachers,people that think they know everything,britney spears,people who think bon jovi is rockmusik,pop,r'n'b,hiphop(I hate that one the most),other mainstream music, the rasmus...

mainstream music is just full of really upbeat and lyrics that just rhyme
Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Most organized religion. Swimming, most people, hipocrites (look back at religion) God, spiders, conformers. And Bush. Gotta hate Bush.

[notices that your username is bracketed by two x's on each side, laughs]

Anyway, I absolutely hate when "men" wear flip flops, and then shuffle around everywhere. That and people who buy car stereos based solely on how loud the bass will be, and then proceed to blast this week's most popular rap song and nothing else. Also, all the arbitrary rules of "polite society". And tons of other stuff.

emo, skateboarders, punk, wannabees, posers, overrated bands, pop punk, talentless bands and artists, actresses and actors that really suck, talk show hosts, fuck them, pop of course, what the fuck is this board doing in a metal forum anyway? Bring on some genre boards already!
Mormagil said:
[notices that your username is bracketed by two x's on each side, laughs]

LOL hahaha Well, at first I was trying to make my username Sammael like I have on other forums, but then someone already had that username. I got pissed because I couldn't find any that weren't taken (I really didn't look that hard) then got even more pissed, so I put that. but lol that was hilarious.
TB666 said:
feminists,communists and vegans that can't keep their opinion to them selfs.

thats my biggest hate.

ALSO...the religious right, political correctness, most hippies (isnt it funny how hippies are the only people who would do pot, LSD, shrooms, opium, heroin, cocaine, and inhalents and then tell you that you shouldn't eat red meat because it's "bad for your body"), people with no goals and never think of their future, ppl who tipe lyk diz, uncalled for rudeness, conceited people, elitists, homophobia, racism, people who have no sense of satire or sarcasm, george w bush, john kerry, europe (the band), winger, songs that suck but are really catchy and get stuck in your head all day, walmart, paris hilton, lindsey lohan, anna nicole
Paula Zahn
the whole fucking Bush administration
No Limit Soldiers
sports stars
american flags on cars
50 Cent
Los Lonely Boys
fast food
a large handful of christians
Rush Limbaugh
beached whales
Sean Hannity
the radio
broken toasters
cell phones
cocaine cut with too much baking soda
Limp Bizkit
FOX news
new age shite religions
Lil' Kim
P. Diddy
the Grammys
Maroon 5
my job

more later...
Fat bitches who try to dress sexy, they disgusts me. People who have a shiny face, they don't know how to make them look clean and tidy. My dormmates, I have 5, and I hate 4 of them. They have ugly voices, bad manners and they spend hours in front of the mirror, although it's useless to them!!!
The things i hate the most....people that acted as retarded as I was maybe 4 years ago, and then super-religious people who follow their religion without question or even a thought. I got nothing against religion, but when you follow it blindly, well..
Rap, hip hop, r&b, pop, pop/numetal, emo, hardcore, rock, punks, buble gum goths, anything and everything to do with contemporary pop sensibilities and their inane cultures and trends, anyone who overtly tries to live and be these trends and pop sensibilities, (obviously) overt herd conformity, City/urban constructs and living, contemporary home decor, anti-bush bigots, murderous athiests, moral relativism, anti moral structures, moronic bible protestants, die hard radical liberals, ignorant fucks, nosey assholes, rudeness, those with any degree of conceitedness, anti metal faggots, metrosexuals, day light, rich people, people who lack intelligence and revel in it, preps, jocks, high class snobs, cliques, anorexic and slutty bimbos, over macho egotistical and shovanistic assholes, slobs, lazy people, Hideo Nakata, Tim Lahaye, racists, homosexists and their pro nazi agendas, Jack T. Chick, CD's that scratch too damn easily, hypocracy, contemporary media and marketing, industrial corperations, deforestation, overdevelopment, anti enviromentalist pigs, and satan, (even though ironicaly my name is samael...)

I think that covers everything...