Babylon?! O.O
That has to be one of my favorite Symphony X songs. Easily the highest point of the album for me. Every time I hear it, I picture an enormous army charging across an open battlefield. I really think they nailed the atmosphere of that song.
But everyone has different tastes, that's cool.
That's almost exactly how I feel about Iconoclast, title track. Different tastes indeedy

Babylon is great too though.
They're probably playing Serpent's Kiss and STWOF because those two songs had videos and the general public is more familiar with them than the others. Eve of Seduction is a shorter, catchy, semi-commercial sounding song, which fits with the non-prog metal crowd they're going after.
They should scrap all three of them. Playing Serpent's Kiss and Children of a Faceless God during the same set is pointless, since they're essentially the same song. The same could be said for End of Innocence and STWOF, but not as much. And depending on how you look at it, one could say that Electric Messiah would be the same kind of song as Eve of Seduction (except without emotion). So yeah.
Babylon would be awesome, since nothing on Iconoclast even touches its level of awesomeness. The title track and Prometheus come close, but they're a bit different in feel.
Honestly, I completely disagree that STWOF isn't great music, expecially for a live show. In fact, I was hoping that they would play Oculus Ex Inferni (why doesn't anybody ever mention that track BTW, its so awesome) and fade into STWOF. STWOF has to be one of the most epic things I've ever heard. One of my friends that I went to the show with a couple of weeks ago wanted to hear it soooo bad. I knew the setlist in advance but never said anything, expecially that it would be their last song. We were all lovin it, but I think he crapped himself when that came on. He has got awesome taste in music, Opeth, Meshuggah...and is an amazing drummer.
Here is my point, and I'll use another one of my favorite bands as an example. I am yet to see Dream Theater live, but when I do, I hope they play mostly new stuff. And that's not just because I like it more, but it is new, fresh and IMO, their best work. For instance, I hear Take the Time or Metropolis (One of the best songs ever made, 4 the record) off of Images, and I am blown away. Then I hear The Count of Tuscany and Bridges In the Sky, and the same thing. But almost on another level. That's because of my theory of Progressive Metal overall; Musicians in these bands typically become better at what they do and produce a better quality of work as their careers progress (no pun intended).
I am all about getting better at things as they move on. That is a big reason why I got into Prog, because I like to see things improve, and not just a random hit album every once in a while. And maybe they will put out an album showing how much they have improved in one aspect, for which I have another example.
Opeth's Heritage is amazing. But it is all clean, jazzy and kind of funky. Amazing though when listened to thoroughly and appreciated, it is the near the best of its kind. The show for this tour was amazing too, not to mention. Even without Akerfelts beastly growls

Did I mention my favorite album is MAYH? One of their heaviest... I can't wait to hear their next heavy album though...Watershed was so sweet...
Dream Theater's A Draumatic Turn of Events supposetly sounds a lot like Images and Words. I understand, and have compared the two. But honestly, play anything off of ADTOE live before you play anything off of Images (except for Metropolis maybe) and I'd be one happy metal head.
I'm so picky with my bands, especially metal because it is my favorite genre. Once I start digging them, I love them for who they are and what they create. It may not always be my favorite, but I learn to appreciate it a lot, and sometimes that evens turns into a new way of liking it.