What do you think about Iconoclast?

Sigh, maybe I should use a different example since there are inexplicably still Dream Theater fans in existence.

"Complex" music can still be boring and obvious. You listen to enough prog, and see if you don't agree. It truly is a perspective thing.

I feel this way about a lot of avant-prog (Zeuhl, RIO) and Canterbury prog. At first it's exciting, but after a while you realize a lot of it is shallow despite how "complex" it is.
Of course there can be bad avant-garde/complex music.
When we are referring to complex music, we are talking about the stuff that is done properly, with a unique and fleshed out vision in mind.
I don't consider random, long instrumental passages (ala DT) complex... at all. When bands try too hard, like this, I find it to be completely tasteless and just plain awful.

A perfect example of Avant-Garde being done "properly" would be (and I've said this repeatedly) Bilateral by Leprous. The songs follow their own structure, and the parts within the structure are creative, different, and always interesting.
Everyone in the band acknowledges that Romeo both prefers and is better at writing the progressive pieces, even Romeo. That musical strength of talent getting left by the wayside is nothing short of a criminal shame.

New fans cheering this move away from prog(and melody) on, literally makes me sick.
...and what's with Arena's new album? Talk about boring. I wouldn't call it mainstreem or poppy, like I've heard others suggest, but sheesh... a complete snoozefest!

The more I listen to Opeth's Heritage, the more I like it. ...and Nepenthe is turning out to be one of my favourite tracks!
Arena's new album was okay. They work best when they string lots of short songs together (i.e. The Visitor) It forces them to make a lot of cool, self-contained songs. Also, I liked that they led off with an a capella (my favorite way to start an album), but unfortunately the melody sort of sucked.

What are we talking about?

Oh by the way, check out Twelfth Night's "We Are Sane" - it's what Arena wants to be, so badly.
...and what's with Arena's new album? Talk about boring. I wouldn't call it mainstreem or poppy, like I've heard others suggest, but sheesh... a complete snoozefest!

The more I listen to Opeth's Heritage, the more I like it. ...and Nepenthe is turning out to be one of my favourite tracks!

Just wait until you get Orange!!!
The more I listen to Opeth's Heritage, the more I like it. ...and Nepenthe is turning out to be one of my favourite tracks!

It's my favorite on that album for sure. The lyrics are sparse but the song still manages to say so much with the music.

Check Michael Romeo's description of SX.

What exactly is his description? The only thing I ever heard was something like "Some people might hear 'Wicked' and call us a metal band, and others listen to 'The Accolade' and say we're a progressive band. So I guess we're a progressive metal band."

So there you have it. Yep, they're a metal band, but they're also progressive. And to me, straight-up metal without progressive elements bores me to tears since I think it lacks depth. You obviously don't seem to like progressive stuff, and that's fine; it's your opinion. But surely you can see why those individuals who greatly enjoy Symphony X's pre-Paradise Lost material find the last two albums to be underwhelming.
"The Communion and the Oracle" and "Rediscovery", those longer kinds of tracks, that's the stuff I like.

- Michael Romeo, 2002

I miss that guy.