What do you think about Iconoclast?

If SX is cheesy these days, then that's what they've always been. I don't see any significant difference between their older and newer material on that part. We might just have different ideas regarding what "cheesiness" means, though.
Yeah, I don't know about all that. I agree that this album is a little better than PL, but definitely not for that reason. And their "cheesiest" moments took place on DWOT and TIO. I could see how the ballads on these past two albums could give off that feeling though.
If SX is cheesy these days, then that's what they've always been. I don't see any significant difference between their older and newer material on that part. We might just have different ideas regarding what "cheesiness" means, though.

I agree for the most part. Their lyrics have always been somewhat cheesy, although they are amazingly deep and thought-provoking compared to most metal lyrics I have heard.

The difference on their latest two albums is the music, if you ask me. It's simply more accessible and generic metal-sounding. Iconoclast was a bit better with the complexity and polymeters than Paradise Lost, but is still a far cry from what the band's music used to be. There simply isn't enough melody coming from the instruments (particularly the keyboard) anymore; it's mostly coming from the vocals, harsh-sounding as they may be.

Remember when there used to be upper-range piano (or piano-like patches) in pretty much every song, playing in a polymeter over some cool riff? I liked that sound, and I miss it. I realize that if every song had this style it would get stale, but not every song has to be chugga-chugga metal, either.
Blue and goat cheese are both amazing. Mmm...

Communion and the Oracle is a perfect example of a song-style I wish they'd use more often. Songs can be heavy, but still be just as awesome... I can see taking what makes Communion good and adding some heavyness being a good thing. Come on, SX!
^ You know it brother. That is one of the top best songs for SymX and for metal if you ask me, and there is nothing generic, "modern" or "in your face" about it. That should tell you something.

What I meant with cheesy is the stuff that is closer to being generic/targeted to a broader audience; stuff that sounds more like radio/music video material such as Serpent's Kiss and Set the World on Fire. I was not talking about lyrics you see.
^---To each his own cheese, then.

The difference on their latest two albums is the music, if you ask me. It's simply more accessible and generic metal-sounding. Iconoclast was a bit better with the complexity and polymeters than Paradise Lost, but is still a far cry from what the band's music used to be.

What I meant with cheesy is the stuff that is closer to being generic/targeted to a broader audience; stuff that sounds more like radio/music video material such as Serpent's Kiss and Set the World on Fire. I was not talking about lyrics you see.

Y'all are sounding like not being "accessible" or "mainstream" is a value unto its own, and I wholly disagree with that sentiment (I recently bought Det Som En Gang Var by Burzum and Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay at the same time). The same goes for being technical, it bears no fixed relevance on how enjoyable the music is either way.
Y'all are sounding like not being "accessible" or "mainstream" is a value unto its own, and I wholly disagree with that sentiment (I recently bought Det Som En Gang Var by Burzum and Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay at the same time). The same goes for being technical, it bears no fixed relevance on how enjoyable the music is either way.

Agreed. If you strive for inaccessibility, you're missing what music is all about.
Y'all are sounding like not being "accessible" or "mainstream" is a value unto its own, and I wholly disagree with that sentiment (I recently bought Det Som En Gang Var by Burzum and Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay at the same time). The same goes for being technical, it bears no fixed relevance on how enjoyable the music is either way.

Dead-on truth.
This is the best record i've ever heard.
I get floored by it every time.
See you at Sweden Rock Festival in June!!!!
Y'all are sounding like not being "accessible" or "mainstream" is a value unto its own


The same goes for being technical, it bears no fixed relevance on how enjoyable the music is either way.

I guess as far as music goes, any opinion you make there will always be someone able to invalidate it. :lol:

Neither of those things was the basis upon which I said what I said.

But if you're gonna talk about "enjoyability" as the standard, well then, Justing Bieber is successful because many people buy his stuff because they enjoy it. So sure, the (artistic, technical, lyrical, etc) content of the music "bears no fixed relevance on how enjoyable the music is", nobody is arguing that. Now far be it from me to seriously judge what people enjoy, but the fact remains:

1) Enjoyability (while there is nothing wrong with it/shouldn't be judged) is no standard itself. Bieber is enjoyed by FAR more than Stravinsky is, but that neither makes Stravinsky any less of a genius than he is nor make Bieber a genius. Implying so would be just as silly as claiming virtuosity causes musical genius.
2) It's not the fact that good music must be non-mainstream. It's that the majority of people today tend to enjoy stuff that is of inferior musical maturity. Based on that fact, it is natural that I have negative feelings about something that I deem as leaning toward the generic side or being targeted to a broader audience -something you are absolutely free to disagree with without having to invalidate my reason behind it (or rather your perception thereof). :)
I love Iconoclast! I finally "love" this band after just "liking" them in the past. The new album is heavy, fast, brutal, and the production is big, fat, and perfect! I'm no prog fan in the least. But, this album to me is just great and honest heavy metal. Actually, IMHO, this new album doesn't seem so prog to me. I'm not here to start trouble with anyone. Just my humble opinion.