What do you tune your guitars to?


Jan 24, 2007
I like the sound of low tuned guitars, but I have issues with them not sounding completely in tune when being tuned so low. Throw a bass in the mix, and holy crap do things start getting hairy. Nature of the beast? What do you tune to?
I like the sound of low tuned guitars, but I have issues with them not sounding completely in tune when being tuned so low. Throw a bass in the mix, and holy crap do things start getting hairy. Nature of the beast? What do you tune to?

to a tuner ;)

but seriously, if you've got the correct string gauge (not too thin) and aren't pushing the string down too hard you shouldn't have any tuning problems (most metlaxes are more likely to suffer with this phenomenon since they have got jumbo-frets...control the strength you're using to fret a note!)
....most of the time it's the bassplayer that hits the nore sharp, so if the bass doesn't sound right after you recorded the guitars just tune the bass to the guitars.
Eb mainly, i'd like to go lower if it wasn't for the floyd on my current guitar and the time it takes to change between tunings. If you're lowering the tuning drastically, and are in a serious environment, you should probably do a proper check-up of the guitar anyway, and anything below Eb sounds very slack to me without 11s or higher on.
Was having the same problems when down tuning. Intonation was off, things were out of tune. Then I saw the thread on here about proper string tension and got heavier gauge strings. Using Ernie Ball Skinny Top Heavy Bottoms (.010 - .052) now, and have no troubles in Dflat tuning with an Ibanez Edge Floyd. Not to mention the tone is so much better now.