What does your DT collection consist of?


on another note...

Haven, The Mind's I (w/bonus tracks), Skydancer&Of Chaos and Eternal Night, Projector...and....:waah: .... thats it....

keep in mind opportunities for cool like this in NY are few and far between as ...oh... NO ONE sells DT stuff here... except online places
they also have Hedon (which now you knew already) and Zodijackyl Light...
this ones you didn't know, were released on a 10 minute VHS

thanx a lot Erik!!!!!!!
I had it on vhs now I'll have it on .mpg :)))))))
This is something I never thought I'd see... The Dark Tranquillity fan base is in your eternal gratitude.

You the fuckin man Erik :rock:
-Haven (with therein video,no bonus songs)
-Projector (Standard)
-The Gallery

But what does mean "jewelcase"?
/me hates her 56K connection and the fact that she will not d/l the video :mad: :( :mad:
do what I do just set it to DL before you go to bed :)

Final_Vision: Will do that tonight! :grin: (also still ashamed of his DT collection)
and what about the phone bill??? and what if the connection gets fucked up? and what if there is a blackout??

*spoils everything*

i just wonder how people can leave their PCs on or online during the night??? I would never to that...
(well i am actually doing right now ;) but i'm here)
well here we have a flat rate, so its only $15 per month, I just leave it on over night and it works well :)

@siren i understand why ;)
@F_V: I'm glad ;)

I just left it once while sleeping, for about an hour, but made sure i woke up to turn it off :)
Originally posted by Melancholia
and what about the phone bill??? and what if the connection gets fucked up? and what if there is a blackout??

well, if the connection gets fucked up you're however dreaming pleasantly and won't notice until morning comes. if there is a black out you'd possibly be awakened by the sound of frightened ppl running around in the street looking for a way to end up their dload of haven videos. and if nothing happens, an expensive phone bill will proudly stand proof of our deep love for everything dt related. :spin:

rahvin. (an optimist at heart)
I have my PC running 24 hours a day, while I'm sleeping....eating...having a shower or even out of home!
always :) and of course always online :cool:
my connection is about 35 US $ and but it's 24 flatrate and I can download at 28ks and upload at 13...so it's decent....
but I know in Sweden there's much better options!!!
that's why I'm moving to Sweden ;)