What does your forum name mean?

My first two cats were named for 18th Century scientists: Leonhard Euler and Maria Agnesi. (OK, so Euler turned out to be a girl kitten, and Ria a boy kitten; at least we could tell they were different.) I've used "euleria" as a standard email/login name on various sites for ages now.

That it reads like it ought to be related to listeria or malaria only makes it cooler.
Have always been Lek......but after many years of...um...fermenting... I have become delusional and believe that I am the royal ruler of the kingdom uncommonly known as Lekworld....which, by the way, I am.
aggghhhh snaakkkkeeee...snaaaakkkeeee...its a snaaakkkeee....

I hate internet based humor cause I always understand it and realize how big of a nerd that really makes me.

Ha, ha, ha, me too. I actually like that stupid clip.
Tycho Celchu is a minor character from Star Wars.


I got my nickname in college. We were building our portfolio websites, and a teacher suggested I use a nickname rather than my real name, because my real name is all complicated and frightens people. So I remembered that episode of The Simpsons where Bart calls Lisa the "Duchess of Dork". I thought this was awesome, so I took it. My grandfather is a "Don", so, I'm sorta royalty.. lol!
It was my computer ID at college. epp are my initials, st means I was a student, and 1 means I was the first person with those initials. Been using it since 95 or 96.

Mine has the same origins. First and last letter of each part of my name; it had to be something weird because there's only about a billion people witht he same name as me.

Tycho Celchu is a minor character from Star Wars. He is an X-wing pilot in Rogue Squadron, the squad led by Wedge Antilles, and is initially Wedge's second-in-command. He figures mainly in the Expanded Universe. In the X-Wing series of novels, he is a major character.

I've been using this online since about 1996, but it is the last handle I've used (2004-present here at Ultimate Metal). In all registrations I've done since then, I've used my real name (Mark).

No reference to the fighter he flew into the death star in Return of the Jedi?

(Yes, once upon a time in a galaxy far far away before George Lucas destroyed everything I loved, I was a Star Wars Nerd)
I did consider a sentence about how we do see Tycho (briefly) on screen but his name is not spoken in any dialogue, but I figured he's more memorable from being a major character in those books. But yeah he is definitely a good dude for flying that mission :)
My forum name means you can skip that particular post, because there's nothing useful in it. :) *ba-dum psssh!*

It's just a bastardized form of "boB", which I use when I can, but which is taken on most forums. Plus, some people call me "booB" instead of "boB" anyway.

Anyone who didn't know that deserves a double cock punch!!!!
I didn't know, and I only have one cock. :P

0:55 and on.
Hah! Your name always reminded me of Denis Leary, but I never imagined that was where you got it from. "Some chicken liver PATE would be good..." :lol:

i love having a name i can play with
Me too! :heh:
Contrary to what everyone who doesn't already know me seems to think, it's not jai-mek, it's jaime-k. I was apparently feeling unoriginal when I signed up and all my usual nicknames were already taken...
I'm new to the ProgPower forums, so I guess this'll be a good first post.

"Harris the Epic" is my M.O. with my friends both in person and on other forums. It's also my Xbox Live name and my professional email.
I gave it to myself when I realized that all my philosophies in life pretty much revolve around things being epic and over the top for the most part (with exceptions) and everything I try to do is all over the top, with music or anything I do... whenever it can be.
Contrary to what everyone who doesn't already know me seems to think, it's not jai-mek, it's jaime-k. I was apparently feeling unoriginal when I signed up and all my usual nicknames were already taken...

Wait, it's not Jai-Mech? You're not married to Ben? :lol:
I'm a professor.

I'm a metal fan.

There you go. This is also sort of what I use on the radio, on my show I'm "Ken the Metal Professor".

On boards I joined before this one, I just used my real name. I'm not sure why I switched when I got onto UM. But now I also use "metalprof" on a couple of other boards, too.

Now that I've put you to sleep with this dull information, I'll go away.

ApolloFC - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo . FC = FootballClub. I'm a bit addicted to the game. Also have used ApolloTheWisest.

When I used to torrent music & use IRC my name was Low after an old local group in Atlanta called Low-Z. There was a recording engineer/guy with his own studio (Atlanta studio? something like that...) who I went to for some basic engineering lessons/classes/etc and that was one of the bands he played for me. http://www.myspace.com/lowzband Sounds like them.. they changed sounds a bit but I liked the first tracks they put out which aren't on the myspace page i don't think. I still use it as my steam network name as its the name I used when I was in team fortress clans from 2004-2009.
I picked my avatar just to be totally different and unique......as it is my first name (yawn !! I know,) but the truth is, my first name is BRYANT, not Brian, nor Byron. I like my first name because it is unique and also is quite synonymous with "The Bear." It beats the hell out of Eugene anyway.
