WHat does your screen name mean?

My name is Greg and my big bro started calling me gregadeth when I was around 10. I was REALLY into MegadetH. It stuck. All through skool, and now at work. I am forever known as GregadetH and damn proud of it. my 4 year olds fave song is - in his words - " PEAS SELL, BUT WHO BUYS IT?" so, he's now Lil GregadetH. I've got gregadetH on my back in the megadeth style and my sons initials on my left arm in german gothic letters w/" ....and nuthin' else matters" written on a banner underneath w/ a flaming heart and crossbones. i've got an Evil dead/ Army of darkness tat on my leg...i'll post the link in a minute.... how the hell did I get on tats? Oh well....

Uh, I just like the word Incendiary, the meaning of it. So, I altered it by taking off the Y and adding an E.
My real name is Anders, but at a time I was the only one skateboarding in the town I live in (around 6000 people, I guess), so my friends started to call me Board. At first I thought it sounded stupid and lame and didn't want them to call me it, but then I got used to it as everybody calls me it and now I call myself Board all the time as well. I use it everywhere.