Maybe. My biggest mistakes is judging people by myself [subconsciously] and misunderstanding jokes. :Smug:Violet Baudelaire said:i think you're all taking this reputation thing way too seriously, the good and bad implications of it.
Maybe. But something more can grow out of a joke. I saw it [not here].Hilijainen said:it's all a joke, something like a moment for play, or at least i think so.
Not quite. I am more interested in people's reaction towards it [and other things as well]. I still have memories about what reputation done to the forum which I used to inhabit, and I suppose this got me blinded a bit... I was too quick to judge; after all, I am a newbie here. But I thought I saw the same situation here, and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. Mistaken, perhaps. The people here are somehow different... Interesting.rahvin said:honestly, you seem to be the one who's most obsessed with reputation around here.
I don't see any point in that, too, as I didn't claim they should. I didn't try to popularize my point of view, nor do I think I am right. If I knew that I was completely right, I wouldn't have posted here in the first place. My aim was to share the thoughts I cannot keep inside, and to scrutinize the replies to my messages, as somebody could see my mistakes more clearly than I do.rahvin said:i don't see why anyone should feel the need to justify him/herself just because you like to get all moralistic about it.
I see lots of emotions, but no evidence... Anyway, I get your point. Yes, serious judgements should be made on people's serious actions, but I still think that something can be seen from any action, even the slightest. Maybe I just don't see it the right way...or your way...rahvin said:your rant about the decline of humanity as seen through reputation points on a board online is disparaging, not to mention hapless and jaded.
Who told you this nonesense?rahvin said:i see you're so upright and strong as to be free from all the evils of modern times
I didn't preach.rahvin said:now if you're done preaching, thank you...