what follows in shadow

I just got my first bad rep.

It wasn't for hitting on a board member or posting something crude like I thought it would be. It was for one sentence post a "bring this post up to xx number of posts" thread. There was no explanation or username given. Argh, maybe they thought I was being annoying by posting a one sentence silly response on their board when I haven't been there. Or they think I'm whiny or have an ugly avatar?...

It bought me down a grand total of... 1 rep point. :waah: :p
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RealHazard, I do not care about my reputation points. It is more important for me HOW people explain giving me reputation points than the amount of points itself.
I was a frequent visitor of other forum half a year ago. They've included the "Reputation" option in the forum, too. When there were no reputation, people tried to post as many messages as possible and get the yellow stars that show the amount of messages [five of them available]. When the reputation appeared, they began to run for it, instead. It seems that people always try to prove themselves using doubtful methods of pleasing their ego. :Smug: I'd better get rid of those greenish dots, but if I turn the reputation off, people won't give me any points, knowing that it doesn't change my current state, and so I'll not be able to see the full reaction to my messages. I guess if there were no reputation here, people would compete with their number of posts, also... Heh, the miserable human nature... :Smug:
[continuing the meditations]
...It is a pity that the community, that is infected with reputation and post number contests, tends to judge every single person not by the content of his messages but by the number of those good-guy badges, which can be gained by hypocrisy or useful acquaintances. Therefore, the option, that person having many reputation points can remove or add more than one point to somebody at a time, is becoming unfair if this person had gained his reputation unobjectively.
I do not call to remove reputation and post counters; it is not effective, as people will try to compete by other things instead. This is human nature, as I said earlier... Internet is just a variation of life, and here the same human society's traits can be noticed and studied.

Tebus, welcome to the path... [stretches out her hand to him]

It's primitive that reputation is counting from zero. It should be possible to have negative reputation [red dots instead of green ones, if one's reputation is below zero]. What do you think about that?
i think you're all taking this reputation thing way too seriously, the good and bad implications of it.
@onyx: honestly, you seem to be the one who's most obsessed with reputation around here. i don't really give a flying fuck about mine, for instance, and i don't see why anyone should feel the need to justify him/herself just because you like to get all moralistic about it. your rant about the decline of humanity as seen through reputation points on a board online is disparaging, not to mention hapless and jaded.

i see you're so upright and strong as to be free from all the evils of modern times: very good. now if you're done preaching, thank you...

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cute how the people with a gazillion green dots say they care not about reputation. i could dwell on the point for a while. i don't think they lie, but hey, lighten up: of course you, the popular, are not taking the thing seriously, cos you've got an healthy amount of self-irony and, moreover, rep works for you instead of against you. but, as much as i'm not even here most of the times and therefore i'm obviously not in the rep-giving or -taking habit, i understand that hard core regulars who don't get approval might cringe just a bit.
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@hyena: hardcore regulars all get approval, they just need to ask. because, you see, it's a game. not a real instrument to show approval. i see you haven't been around here for a while, so i understand your confusion, but the number of green dots i or anybody else has portrays no relation with our popularity.

Violet Baudelaire said:
i think you're all taking this reputation thing way too seriously, the good and bad implications of it.
Maybe. My biggest mistakes is judging people by myself [subconsciously] and misunderstanding jokes. :Smug: :bah:

Hilijainen said:
it's all a joke, something like a moment for play, or at least i think so.
Maybe. But something more can grow out of a joke. I saw it [not here].

rahvin said:
honestly, you seem to be the one who's most obsessed with reputation around here.
Not quite. I am more interested in people's reaction towards it [and other things as well]. I still have memories about what reputation done to the forum which I used to inhabit, and I suppose this got me blinded a bit... I was too quick to judge; after all, I am a newbie here. But I thought I saw the same situation here, and I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. Mistaken, perhaps. The people here are somehow different... Interesting.
The curious thing is that I feel changing too, when I translate my thoughts to English in order to post here...

rahvin said:
i don't see why anyone should feel the need to justify him/herself just because you like to get all moralistic about it.
I don't see any point in that, too, as I didn't claim they should. I didn't try to popularize my point of view, nor do I think I am right. If I knew that I was completely right, I wouldn't have posted here in the first place. My aim was to share the thoughts I cannot keep inside, and to scrutinize the replies to my messages, as somebody could see my mistakes more clearly than I do.
We all see the world from our own eyes, but maybe we'll see more if we look together?...

rahvin said:
your rant about the decline of humanity as seen through reputation points on a board online is disparaging, not to mention hapless and jaded.
I see lots of emotions, but no evidence... Anyway, I get your point. Yes, serious judgements should be made on people's serious actions, but I still think that something can be seen from any action, even the slightest. Maybe I just don't see it the right way...or your way... :err:
There is a good saying: Truth is like a crystal; everyone sees only one facet of it. Will you blame me for seeing it differently? [I don't claim that I see the truth, though]

rahvin said:
i see you're so upright and strong as to be free from all the evils of modern times
Who told you this nonesense? :p Besides, I don't believe in universal Evil and Good. From my point of view, evil is something that is bad for me. The mistakes of other people do not perticularly concern me, unless they affect me somehow.

rahvin said:
now if you're done preaching, thank you...
I didn't preach.
1) Those, who preach, are completely sure that they are right. I am not.
2) Those, who preach, are pushing people to do something. I am not.

Your reply was rude, but refreshing.
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@onyx: thanks for not taking it too bad. there was no need for me to snap at you so much, actually: i'm sorry. but the rep thing, i really think it's nothing: some users here tinker with it to have some fun. i'm not a great believer in the qualities of mankind either, but the green dots... sheesh. they're never gonna last. ;)
