What happened to Bodom Neoclassical influence?


New Metal Member
Jan 29, 2007
I like the new album, it's unique just like every bodom record. I grew to like AYDY's catchy riff's but what the hell happened to Neo classical influences that made The first 3 albums and perhaps 4th so downright kick ass? Was it Alexander's exit from the band that changed the bodom sound for good or worse?
I don't think it has to do a whole lot of Ale's departure. I think its a couple of things. 1. they saw how quickly they were gaining fans and decided to go the easier route and make music thats heavy and all but not so....ridicules.
2. Writing neoclassical stuff is pretty hard to do (I think) and with Roope in the mix maybe they both got tired of writing that kind of material since they were doing it CoB and Sinergy and any other side projects. I personally got into them from Hatebreeder and FTR so the departure from the neo stuff has made me wonder if there is anything left in the tank in terms of that kind of writing.

Flame On!
I think it was because of his guitars. You just can't compose neoclassical stuff with ESP, it requires Jacksons. And it's probably Roope's fault that Alexi is not playing Jacksons anymore, you know he get tired of playing those after so many years in Sinergy with Roope.
Again, it's nothing to do with Alexander's departure. It's just a conclusion people like to draw out of thin air because it's the only factor they see having changed around the time, and even then they forget Ale was around when the band made Hatecrew Deathroll. The neo-classical ideas came from Alexi's head alone. A lot of bands started copying them and they were not special anymore, and besides, later on Alexi has stated he doesn't even know what he was thinking back then (when making neo-classical stuff.)
Wud be nice to have some of the neo-classic stuff back on the next album. The increased heavyness they have nowadays with the neo wud be gr8 :headbang:
I think it was because of his guitars. You just can't compose neoclassical stuff with ESP, it requires Jacksons. And it's probably Roope's fault that Alexi is not playing Jacksons anymore, you know he get tired of playing those after so many years in Sinergy with Roope.

:lol: :lol:

its true.......:zombie:
Actually I think it's a mix of Alexi getting tired of writing the same stuff again and again (ok now you can flame and tell me how blind am I because it's not that he's bored but that he can't do it anymore) and what SteveMCsteve said about Alexi's influences nowadays.

That being said, Ale had NOTHING to do with the neoclassical style thing.

I don't think it has to do a whole lot of Ale's departure. I think its a couple of things. 1. they saw how quickly they were gaining fans and decided to go the easier route and make music thats heavy and all but not so....ridicules.
2. Writing neoclassical stuff is pretty hard to do (I think) and with Roope in the mix maybe they both got tired of writing that kind of material since they were doing it CoB and Sinergy and any other side projects. I personally got into them from Hatebreeder and FTR so the departure from the neo stuff has made me wonder if there is anything left in the tank in terms of that kind of writing.

Flame On!

Actually I think you gave quite good reasons but I'm not sure if I understand the first reason.

I think it was because of his guitars. You just can't compose neoclassical stuff with ESP, it requires Jacksons. And it's probably Roope's fault that Alexi is not playing Jacksons anymore, you know he get tired of playing those after so many years in Sinergy with Roope.

That must be the reason :lol:
I think it was because of his guitars. You just can't compose neoclassical stuff with ESP, it requires Jacksons. And it's probably Roope's fault that Alexi is not playing Jacksons anymore, you know he get tired of playing those after so many years in Sinergy with Roope.

Alexi doesn;t control the guitars......THE GUITARS CONTROL ALEXI :zombie::zombie:

:lol::lol::lol: ok I'll stop now.
I don't think it is a result of Roope directly, but I feel that Alexi tries to write riffs that Roope will dig, whereas with Ale, Alexi wouldn't feel star struck or anything. Not to mention he is taking influence from newer bands now.
Alexander was in the band while they recorded HCDR not Roope!

Like someone said alexi explained in an interview that he felt that everyone did this neoclassical thing.
Neoclassical (even though the word is not correct but we now what we are talking about) metal was known before remember Stratovarius, Malmsteen....
But as far as I know no one did it the way they did on the first 2 albums (Archeon did it on their first album but it was 4 years after HCDR). There are a lot of less or more good neo classical power metal bands nowadays.

^^Nah, I don't think it's that. More like the oposite. With Ale he knew that there was a limit to what he could play, but now he can give Roope anything and he'll still be able to play it.
No, it's the tattoos and alcohol. Ten years ago Alexi didn't have that much tattoos and he wrote a lot of neoclassical stuff. But nowadays his arms are full of tattoos and you can figure what happens. I think it's the combination of alcohol and tattoos, It gives some kind of strange feeling in his fingers and he likes to play less neoclassical shit. I don't have tattoos myself but I think the inkt affects your mind. Think about it.
Certainly that can't be serious. As for the reason for the change; I have no idea. Maybe they just wanted to try something different, got tired of it, etc.

I'm pretty certain that if I were to make music, I wouldn't want to make similar things over and over again, but try to experiment a little. It makes perfect sense to me.
From interview with Roope.

Alexi Laiho has named Roope as one of his favorite guitarist that has influenced him.

- I recognized some familiar riffs from green Bodom album Roope says. At that time I didn’t know Allu very well but I noticed that he had Stone stickers. I think influences were showing, but now when we have been playing together it has become even. We both kick each other forward and fight against each other. We get better outcome all the time.

So Roope thinks Hatebreeder was at least some what influenced by him and Stone sticker.

And there is somewhere interview where Alexi tells why he don't do neoclassical anymore but can't find it atm. IIRC he said that so many bands were neoclassical at the time that he got tired of it and didn't want to do it anymore.