What happened to the Rock Star Image in Metal?


Nov 19, 2001
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Anyone else notice how boring metal bands are these days. We never hear about drugs, sex, crazy antics etc. It seems the only time I do hear about the usual rock star excesses, it is about the past, and the great icons of popular metal like Zeppelin, Ozzy, Mustaine, Motley Crue etc.

Even worse is how pathetic some of these modern metal bands are onstage- no charisma or stage presence. Metal bands have become nothing more than a collection of talented musicians, playing aggressive music.

I think its about time, some metal bands try to have a little more fun, and try to cultivate a rock star image. I for one am getting rather bored at metal shows, the only exciting ones these days are hardcore/or metalcore shows. The metal bands anymore look like they should be session musicians.
Regular metal is not about being a rockstar. Hair Metal was but it also sucked ass.

Being a rockstar or having a rockstar or celeb attitude is stupid and that is not what it is about.
We do have rock stars. Look at Cradle of Filth, and to a lesser degree, Dimmu Borgir. Just based on comments in interviews, Iced Earth's Schaeffer is very rock star-ish.
uhhh... last time i checked, i wasn't listening to bands' personalities when i put on their CDs... and i didn't go to see a stage routine last time i went to a show, i went to enjoy the music of my favorite bands... if i wanted to see cool images, i'd go to a circus; if i wanted to see stage presence, i'd go see george carlin live...

damn, i bet you loved the 80s, didn't you? where has MY metal gone??? :cry:
Some of the more popular bands have this image, but the majority of metal bands don't need it for publicity or indulgence or egotism. That's one reason why I enjoy metal; the music always comes first.
It would suck if metal musicians had rock star images. I don't want metal bands to develop rock star attitudes, start putting hairspray in their hair, and sing about banging chicks and partying. That kind of shit has no place in metal. That's what hair metal was like, and hair metal was pure shit.
Yet in my opinion, this is why metal is falling to new lows in popularity, no one wants to be a metal star unless they were already really interested in metal. Now the young kids are atracted to the rap and hip hop guys wo live the lives everyone secretly dreams of- hoes, drugs, money, and little if any personal responsibility.

And come on here, If i want to be entertained by a metal show, i am forced to see old bands like Slayer, the new bands are a waste of money- id rather pop in a cd.

I suppose there is something to be said about the underground nature of metal these days, I agre i like the pure musical nature of underground metal. However,if i was a young kid looking around for a style of music to emulate so i could dream of being a big star( which most all of us do at one point or another in our lives)- i wouldnt pick metal- what a waste of time.
as george carlin says... FUCK DA CHILDREN!!!

i don't give a damn if teens want to listen to metal or not! i don't give a shit how pouplar it is... popularity would only saturate it.

my solution for you is to hope that the KIX/PRETTY BOY FLOYD/FIREHOUSE tour hits a spot in your area...
I'm pretty sure you could hear plenty of stories of how people in metal bands of today racked up loads of STDs while on the road and basically behaved in very rock-starish manners. They don't put a lot of emphasis on it, but saying that rock star behavior is nonexistant in the metal subculture is ludicrous.
speed said:
Yet in my opinion, this is why metal is falling to new lows in popularity, no one wants to be a metal star unless they were already really interested in metal. Now the young kids are atracted to the rap and hip hop guys wo live the lives everyone secretly dreams of- hoes, drugs, money, and little if any personal responsibility.

And come on here, If i want to be entertained by a metal show, i am forced to see old bands like Slayer, the new bands are a waste of money- id rather pop in a cd.

I suppose there is something to be said about the underground nature of metal these days, I agre i like the pure musical nature of underground metal. However,if i was a young kid looking around for a style of music to emulate so i could dream of being a big star( which most all of us do at one point or another in our lives)- i wouldnt pick metal- what a waste of time.
If you at all care about being a "star" then you're so in the wrong genre it's not even funny. Metal is above and beyond that shit. Obviously no-one wants to be a "metal star", because there's really no such thing, and there shouldn't be. METAL IS NOT POP MUSIC. Fukk off.
speed said:
Yet in my opinion, this is why metal is falling to new lows in popularity, no one wants to be a metal star unless they were already really interested in metal. Now the young kids are atracted to the rap and hip hop guys wo live the lives everyone secretly dreams of- hoes, drugs, money, and little if any personal responsibility.

And come on here, If i want to be entertained by a metal show, i am forced to see old bands like Slayer, the new bands are a waste of money- id rather pop in a cd.

I suppose there is something to be said about the underground nature of metal these days, I agre i like the pure musical nature of underground metal. However,if i was a young kid looking around for a style of music to emulate so i could dream of being a big star( which most all of us do at one point or another in our lives)- i wouldnt pick metal- what a waste of time.
Who cares about popularity? I don't look for styles of music to emulate to become a 'star', I look for styles of music to listen to. If a lack of a 'rock star image' in metal prevents morons from listening to it so they too could could be a big star (which can't and won't happen in metal anyway), then good!
That's bullshit. It should be about music not about how much you party and fuck groupies. What's the whole point of worrying about an image, it's not real and it's made up. What's the whole point of living an empty dream of being some hot shot star when chances are that it will never come true. I rather listen to metal that's stripped away with that bullshit.