What has UM & DT forum given to you?

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
I have been a member for a over year now and I just started wondering what do you guys think of this nice forum and what has it given to you?
Perhaps new friends.. backbags full of knowledge about DT..

For me:
- Possibility to practise my skills of English
- Strange ICQ contact with Ormir the drinker of methanol,
"If i had rotten heart, would you love me from the start,
would you try to be a part of me?"

- Not so strange ICQ fellows: deep_in_misery and Hearse
"TON - Bloody Kisses was background noise"
- Hyber-gay (hairy 80´s guy) wallpaper in one of the computers in school that I use.
- I have aped few bands from here: arcturus, satyricon..
- Information about the band from inside the walls.

RealHazard, curious.

NP: Alghazath - An Ode To The Bringer Of Chaos
Satan! :headbang:
This forum has given me up-to-date info about this band and as well as some gossips.

Other than that, UM has been a killer of time. :)
For me, RealHazard, it has been everything you said, practice of english, DT knowledge, getting my first DT cds, going to my first metal concert (DT), discovering other bands, getting my first metal shirt (DT too).
But above all, it has brought me to contact with many many lovely people, i couldn't even start to mention. The fact that some of them rank among my best friends and have helped me through hard times, is enough for me to say this forum has given me a lot. :)
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A place to vent about my gloomy life without fellow forum members taunting me...

Really, it's given me a chance to talk to some very cool people, learn about different cultures in the world, improve my ettiquite/spelling skills, and a whole lot more. Also proves to me not all people in the world are bad...
UM is perfect for a person to discuss underground with others (obviously!), but especially when you have no one in person to discuss it with. No one in my town listens to anything remotely close to underground, and it's sad. Their loss.
Well, it has given me more online friends, more updates on the bands and the possibility to check out new bands. Through UM I have gotten into Opeth, Katatonia, Soilwork and many more bands! Also, I have gotten greater skills in the English language, both in written sense and orally :)
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-some very nice people to talk with
-chance to improve my english skills
-an addiction
-possibility to meet new people (ie. rahvin :D )
-updated informations and news about one of my favourite bands

that is, and is enough. :cool:

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