What I like

I like the glipses of Mike Patton's Mondo Cane project.

"arrangiaments e vocal interpretations of italian tunes from the 50’s & 60’s for voice, ensemble, small chorus, orchestra"


Fuck yes. Official release due early 2008. It's already my album of the year :lol:
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Would that be scotch whiskey :notworthy or that fake crap, burbon whiskey:Puke: I like this scotch whiskey

My old man always has nice scotch for me so steeeyyyaaalll from his cupboard
Well a certain husband of yours might have to give you a few swigs of his as a christmas present on new years ;) i'm such a gentleman
Work christmas party last night:notworthy:kickass::rock:
I haven't had any sleep yet so bare with me,
It was held at the royal hotel in springwood aka the place with the best jukebox in the world, a fair few metalheads hang out there. I threw on the whole number of the best album some master of puppets, slayer, Dio sabbath etc. My boss put unlimeted credits on there, I was just going to have a easy one seeing as though I had work in the morning. But my Boss said why don't you just sleep in the office *my work is next door* and take advantage of the open bar. Good advice I then proceded to have a thousand Jager beers and Chivas regal scotch then tried my hand at some drunken Karaoke :lol:

Here is the end of the song where you can see all my h0t chix
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What I LOVE summer is finally here, what a better way to spend the day then down in my backyard
With me my bro and our friend Luke

Now that it's hot and awesome again who is up for some camping in my backyard soonish
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How brutal is this heat wave... I think next weekend that backyard of yours is going to get some visitors young Watto :kickass:

I like going back to work tomorrow and getting all my meals on Bunnings' tab again. First thing I'll be doing is tracking down the biggest, beefiest steak I can find and ordering two of them.
Okie dokie mr Ferret, you twisted my arm if the weather is good next saturday and my calender is free i'll organise a camping trip of death and destruction and..... and piratie inflatable boat mayhem