What is Hell to you?

well I got burned with that one
and in my own hell


I condemn you all to have wild sex with ante
and the girls can do it with me
manuelgv said:
cause suicidal people go to hell,I don't say they will be comitting it,the ones that comitted it will be there
i thought that _anyone_ who commits serious sins without repenting goes to hell, not only suiciders. thus, i think it would be an overcrowded place full of people of all sorts. :p

btw: my hell is having to get up at 6.45 every morning, i hate it :erk:

@anders: stop shouting :yell:
and... uhm... someone's daddy? is there something i do not know???? :OMG::eek: :u-huh:
ok, ok, manuel, you win. a trip to hell, mwhahaaaa.
in any case, anyone should know that hell does not exist. even if bertrand russell said it better.

ante said:
@mourningstar this is HELL, WE ARE ALLOWED TO SHOUT IN HELL DAMN IT :yell:
go on like this and someone will bring you to a mental hospital :tickled:

good. night. everyone.
arkah said:
I say: to recall my faults, to be remained of them, to feel sorry for the things I haven't done.

A place where there is no alcohol but you always have a whisky hangover, and hardcore house music is perpetually played at just the right volume so all you can hear is that distorted bass drum, beat-beat-beating away at your frontal lobe. An infinite office block with no natural light where it's always thirty degrees and humid, and the air conditioning pumps in a subtle blend of every allergen in the known universe. A place populated entirely by glue-sniffing vandals and their foghorn fishwife mothers, where the chief law is that My Son Is A Little Angel And If You Say Any Different I'll Kneecap You.