What is the meaning of your nimckname?

Killing jOe

Yours truly!
Dec 13, 2006
Israel, Holy land
I wonder if you guys have already done this, but anyway there are a couple of new people here.
Anyways, my nick is from the band Killing Joke, british new wave.

Please, do share...
"One by four by nine" is mentioned in the lyrics of Starchild by Star One (based on the book/movie "2001: A Space Odyssey")
Simply my initials. When I first joined TEoF, there were already a couple Johns, and somebody (Probably Matthew, the previous list Daddy), called me J-Dubya, J-Dub, and it stuck. I don't go by much else online, except for the Freak Kitchen & Caparison forums where I'm just plain ol' John W

Back in early high school, quite possibly in a computer class (It was a long time ago) some whispered (at the top of their voice mind you):
"Jesus Ben you're such a f*&king hacker" in reference to something I'd done (no idea, but playing quake in class comes to mind).

Adding X was cool at the time (SymphonyX anyone?).

Needless to say, it got us all in shit at the time, and has stuck since (9+ years now)
ummm, my nickname used to be danthemanthemetalfan, because my name is dan and I am a metal fan... Makes sense eh, but it's pretty long, so I chose progmetalpilgrim because I love progmetal and I'm currently writing a concept album based on 'A Pilgrim's Progress' by John Bunyan... It's a classic piece of literature, it is based on the journey of life by a man named Christian, and is amazingly epic in his quest to reach the holy city of Zion... Anyways, I'm on a journey with my life, as well as with my aspirations with progmetal, so I thought the name worked...

Pretty thoughtful huh... danthemanthemetalfan was far simpler...
I don't know where my name really comes from... Cause I wander all around the forums maybe? Just something I made up when entering.
Cool thread idea!

SyX is obviously a reference to Symphony X
-ified is a reference to scarified by Racer X, which makes the X relevant to both bands.

At the time I came up with it I was trying to find some way of overlapping Symphony X and Racer X, my two fav bands, and this is what the result was. Tho some have mistakenly understood it as Sex-ified, or even something involving crucifixion.
Mine goes deeper than the cheese it seems like. I love dragons, and imo they are only made cheezy by cheezy ppl. Anywho, an eternal dragon is like a dragon that is immortal (as if they arent powerful enough as they are), and so in my mind i can see some sorta dragon with a blue haze around it (pic) that is completely indestructable and allmighty. And that is me :lol:.
well, I'll be the first with an absolute underivable nickname? Except the fact that the honor wasn't mine to invent it.
I live in Albuquerque and I'm stuck on '80's neo-classical shred. I thought I'd identify myself to where I live, but it turns out there are only like 20 SymX fans here. Or at least that was about the turn-out at their show on the Odyssey tour... But, that was probably more on shitty promotion of the show.