What is your favorite Anime?

-Serial experiments: Lain (epic mindfuck)
-Elfen Lied (naked girls tearing eachother apart with their psychic powers (how can that not be awesome?))
-Yakitate Japan (A childish series about making bread, but it's so damn funny)
-Samurai Champloo (samurai-action with the best drawings/animation I've seen so far)

I didn't like Neon Genesis Evangelion though. Half of it consists of the main character sulking in a corner, while the rest is meaningless mecha-fights and religious gibberish. Ok, that was abit too harsh, but still...
The way the plot unfolds in Neon Genesis Evangelion is interesting but the themes (especially the "religious" ones) are superficial at best and I could easily imagine the series and movies without them. As for the psychoanalysis in the last two episodes and End of Evangelion, I think the director, Hidaeki Anno, should have fleshed out those scenes more. Overall, this series is the most enjoyable I've seen in anime, but I wish character interaction, as emphasized as it is, was developed fully and expressed with more clarity.