Every part of this alias has a deep phychological meaning.
My name, Belial, is used in various translations of the bible as a synonym for Satan or his followers. In Miltons "Paradise Lost", Belial is described as the demon of impurity. One of the fallen angels. My nick is used in relation to Miltons, to capture how the outside world preceives me. Many people think I am impure, or a spreader of impurity. It can also be construed from it's biblical meaning because many people think I'm just plain evil.
My Avatar is describes how I feel about myself. Notice how half his face seems that it's being... consumed by something. I feel that I am being consumed by parts me (like my sexuality). It also symbolizes how I feel that I am caught between two worlds. It also brings the question. "Is that part of him consuming the rest, or is it merely melding with his core spirit to strenghten him as a whole?" He is smiling, so I guess you know which one I think is true.
My signature, Dead Hand Of The Past, is litterally defined as: "the influence of the past regarded as controlling the present". It symbolizes my past as a clinically depressed, nihilistic, misanthropist, and how that past influences my present by giving me the strength to live for today and to better myself.
Well, that's what my identity means...