What lyrics are about : Damage Done

Good work again Rahv... I suggest we start from the start, Final Resistance...

btw... my personal intepetation on The Enemy is how we percieve slights and insults when there are none, making enemies where none exist and eventually becoming our own worse enemy...

And Mikael: We always read and appreciate. Never, ever think it ain't the case...
@|ngenius: master niklas never said anything about you cracking the code... i'm going to overload & burst. :p

@zodijackyl: thanks to you for your lines. :) i'm sure the great majority of dt fans - even those who never even post here - are aware of the importance behind your lyrics. we are the ones who are grateful for such high standards. when i comment on what you write i know i can look for deeper meanings with the knowledge they were there before. and it pleases me no end. :grin:

To me, the lyrics are the most important aspect that makes me a DT fan. There are many great bands out there that play good music, but there is no other that fuses such lyrics with their music. When I think of songs by most other bands, I'm instantly reminded of the chorus or some catchy melody. With DT I instantly think of some line of lyrics. I tend to interpret the lyrics quite personally, so I'm not going to take a stab at them, rahvin is best at a more objective, analytical style. Final Resistance anyone?
rahvin: i don't think you're as wordy and long-winded as you used to be. you and that Jeroen J.W.W.J.WWW.J. Tigglesomething or other used to fill pages (plural) with loooong discussions about lyrics on the first dt forum. remember THAT place? remember how small the font the was too?! :lol: =)
Originally posted by hyena

now, seriously, i think it's about constructing your own system of friends and foes, without relationship to reality, and acting upon this construction.

Thank you Hyena,
I really like and agree with this short interpertation of yours.
I started reading Rahvin's analysis but found out it was terribly long to read in this hour.

I like to deal with the idea of people lying to themselves, it's really interesting imho.
I'd love to analyze a song like "Ex Nihilo". Not to say Mikeal's words are bad or anything :P

But still, some might argue it's harder to convey a message in a song if there are no words to it. I always got the feeling of just pure anger from the song, then maybe at the end a sad resolution to whatever happened. I linked it to a suicide, but the song makes me just listen in awe when I hear it. I guess it's open to interpetation from the listener. Since DT reads this, I'd just want to thank them for actually writing stuff that warrants ananysis such as this, that you have to analyze the music as well to get the meaning of the songs. Most bands just write simple lyrics that don't require any thinking. I've been trying for months to write lyrics as good, but it's just not happening.
@wildfyr: i do remember jeroen, and i miss him from the bottom of my heart. :cry: now those were discussions. this place would be very different if he were here too.
i remember we had to split our replies to each other in two, then three parts because we reached the number of characters limit. :lol:

rahvin. (shorter)
well, then, why not continue with ...

Final Resistance

Disaffected, left to internal struggle
let ring with the cries of disaccord
They told of outposts firm as trees
Whispers laid no basis for
the plunge to the chasm depths
Seen none, nor felt the safety
Perimeter alarm

I see the bearings of disaster

What can you tell me of the inside
Is it as bright as all can see?

To make a chemical stand
a final front to the days ahead
In attempt to tame their mineral estrangement
Smothered by the numeral that
haunts each waking day

Request for countertmeasures
to state claim of this my cavern
None to take and none be given
as the window breaks to black
A process left to solitude
is the action left undone
Answers left to echo
in the silent halls of none

Cast down the hopes and aspirations
Shut the windows tight
Everybody said No
Reset your fears and good intentions
Barred up for life
Everybody said No

This is the final resistance

I have some ideas on I, deception. Perhaps i'll post smt when i find the time.
I just read rahvin's long post (com'on, i'm sure you know which one that is :p). I can relate to a lot of what he wrote, so now i can see the song under a new perspective, even though i still need some time to "chew" all that.

I just like to point out the fact that imo, the biggest enemy of our "hero" is his own self, which could be for a number of reasons, eg his weaknesses.
What makes me think this is a valid point is the phrase No one knows my enemy like i do, since obviously noone knows his-self better than him..
rahvin: was there a character limit at that forum? i was not aware of that. all i know is that some of those posts printed out on more than one 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper. :grin:

i wish i still had those prints. :\
@siren: good suggestion, that line looks like a reference to the hidden truth that while we blame things on others we are responsible of our failures. i completely overlooked it in my post.

@wildfyr: my guess is alfred still has them... (he's often my own diary :p ) i might just convince him to send them to you. let's see what i can manage... :)

I'll refrain from interpretting these for now. Just everyone send me a pm when you reach Hours Passed in Exile. I can get that one nailed flat. And a little more succinctly than Rahvin, but, I've got to hand it to you [super-]dwarf-man, thats a hell of an analyzation. Honestly couldn't say anyone would have done a better job. No wonder everyone who knows you keeps hyping this book you're writing.

~Kovenant (make sure there's an english version too, if it wasn't already planned....I'm sure I'd love to read it :) )
final resistance=something about nuclear warfare? "numeral" being a reference of the atom heart kind?

Originally posted by Aeonstream
Let's start a nice new thread about ... what lyrics are about.
In this thread we can focus on DD, fresh in every1's memory :)

I start : "The Enemy"

I recall Stanne saying it's about being negative and hating things around you and then losing controll over your thoughts and hating them and becoming your own worst enemy