What made you sad today?

Waiting all day for food. Rich is cooking us all a curry right now but it's taking a while. Hunger is making us sad : (
Even though I sent in the application by the deadline last semester, I just got another notice in the mail for this semester about joining some national honor society. 100 bloody USD 'membership fee' :(
Made a big order on some CD's and just got a mail telling me it'll be delayed. Wont get until next week:(
The defending of the dutch national football team made me sad last night, but not too sad cos despite of the fact that they defended like wet paper towels, we won the match :D
Seeing the new Facebook poll option flood my news feed and the poll: "Is there a God?" pops up with 700,000+ voting "Yes" against 57,000+ "No". Each to their own but that majority saddened me.
Seeing the new Facebook poll option flood my news feed and the poll: "Is there a God?" pops up with 700,000+ voting "Yes" against 57,000+ "No". Each to their own but that majority saddened me.

Why? Nothing wrong with personal beliefs...
It's not necessarily 'bad,' though, to believe there is a God - it's how you go about your life with that belief that matters ;) Quite the contrary, actually - the nicest people I know are God-fearing Christians!
What made me sad - The fact that so many people actually uses Facebook. Hate it more than anything.

And when it comes to god - I don't care what people think. Let everyone believe whatever they want if it makes them happy:] (as long as it doesn't affect other people in a bad way of course)
how you go about your life with that belief
...as long as it doesn't affect other people in a bad way of course)

Yeah I think therein lies the issue. All told I think religion itself has done vastly more damage and harm both pysically and mentally than it ever has done good. Poison of the mind. Blight to human progress. But personal faith, of course, can be good for the individual or help someone be a better person and I respect that fully I just think that's an exceptionally small side effect of an otherwise bigger problem which they don't need to be a good, happy person.

Sorry to derail thread :(
I totally understand what you mean, no worries man! I respect your opinions :D

WMMS: I have bursitis of the elbow. At least it seems to be getting better - doctor prescribed me two medications and hopefully it'll get better soon.
Thanks man! One of them has caused some nice drowsiness, and as a result, I've been a bit wacked out all day :lol: