What makes SC stand out above all other bands?

Hi everyone,

I've visited this forum quite often and I was wondering what attracted me so much to SC. There are so many other good bands. So I tried to come up with some answers and I'd like to ask you to write down some of your reasons for supporting SC.

Here are mine:
-The songs on the demos are Complex but always nice to listen to.
-I think the musicians are great guys without an attitude.
-Each musician has outstanding skills, but still they're a team.
-I see them as a hardworking dedicated band
-Their songs are not about scary movie stuff like demons etc. :devil:

Hope to see your answers as well.

LOL :)

I think that people are curious about us because we're so damn ugly.
They see us more like a freak show ;)

keeper of the flame said:
Hi everyone,

I've visited this forum quite often and I was wondering what attracted me so much to SC. There are so many other good bands. So I tried to come up with some answers and I'd like to ask you to write down some of your reasons for supporting SC.

Here are mine:
-The songs on the demos are Complex but always nice to listen to.
-I think the musicians are great guys without an attitude.
-Each musician has outstanding skills, but still they're a team.
-I see them as a hardworking dedicated band
-Their songs are not about scary movie stuff like demons etc. :devil:

Hope to see your answers as well.

I can't think of any other reasons! O yeah one other: because of marcel's silly faces :)
Tons of reasons make this band not only my favorite but also the most promising in progmetal:

- Tremendous musicianship and band chemistry, not converting his songs in a shredding nonsense circus
- Great taste at composing. Nice mix between crushing riffs, acoustic and melodic passages, and blazing quality soloing by all members.
- The most solid rythmic base right now, courtesy of Dennis' drumming and Rob's alien bass playing.
- "Sedation", "Four Guilders", "Killer Banshee" and "Secrets of flight".... a sure winner poker
- Total care and attention for their fanbase.
- Marcel unhuman hability of playing while sticking a can of beer in his mouth.
Sorry ppl, SC does not stand out above all other bands for me. There are loads of other bands I love!

Still, SC is a very special band to me because I spoke to the band members IRL (they are actually cool, mahaha :D ), and I can't say that about the other bands I like! ;)

Tjeerd Hans
Faachman said:
Sorry ppl, SC does not stand out above all other bands for me. There are loads of other bands I love!

Same for me. never seen u guys live. and the few numbers on the site cant make me say u are better then all other bands. though u are very good. en i am looking forward to the cd!
and maybe then Sun Caged is going to be the best! :p
Progsymphorocker said:
never seen u guys live. and the few numbers on the site cant make me say u are better then all other bands.
I hear you man. That's why we are so blown away by the amounts of actual fans we already have, after only releasing a couple of demos.

You would be surprised about the amount of t-shirts we sell through the site (tons of them!), the amounts of emails we receive from people who are totally crazy about our music, the fact sometimes we have people coming from the other end of Europe (and even the USA) to see us play..., the reactions after shows and the amounts of merchandise we sell after shows...
Even the activity on this forum is crazy for a band without an album out.
Every time something like I mention above happens, or we talk about it, we just shake our heads with disbelief.

We're extremely grateful for all the interest and compliments we get.
And we're very curious what happens when the album is out !:headbang:

Redelijk said:
the fact sometimes we have people coming from the other end of Europe (and even the USA) to see us play...,
And we're very curious what happens when the album is out !:headbang:


At the concert I witnessed there were even some intergalactic space crusaders (Arjen , Robert , Irene). :)

Could it be that people know you and love you guys because of all the contacts you keep. I mean you weren't the next guys on the block when SC started. And you do respond to all people that show interest in the band. :D

When the album will be released, Holland will be proud to be on top of the progrock list.

SC has great musicians and good composers too. Does that make it a success story? Well, not if you sit on your lazy butt and wait for the success to come. I think it's one of SC's main abilities, to work hard and make sure they play where and whenever they can.
Besides that, they respond to every single person who is interested in the band. At Headway festival Dennis and Marcel seemed to know everyone who visited the festival.
Well, ofcourse we show interest in everyoine who likes our music, I think it is so silly that the bigger bands don't do that, as if they isolate from everybody, I really like to keep contact with the fans, I think that is very important, the fans are the people who buy your music and who make the band big, and the best way to keep them satisfied is to listen to them also, right ?


Besides I also like to communicate a lot, Dennis likes that also, that is also the reason we know a lot of people :)
