So what other bands was Michael talking about???

Valtiel said:
Well I've only actually listened to dream scape and where the slime live and I don't see any resemblence, melodic ladden riffs yes but no where near compared to Opeth's style in my honest opinion, and clean vocals of course similar there, but I haven't heard any ascoustic parts yet so I don't know...

An awesome song by inflames that has a really cool acoustic bridge and interlude is everdying. The first acoustic part comes out of nowhere, and the interlude is acousic and awesome
They are a bit repetitive, I'll admit, but I like that...

Anyway, their riffs and melodies, not counting their drawn out sections > Dissection's.
Décadent said:
Also, you fucks need to check out Primordial.

that's damn true. Primordial rule! this band is highly original and unique which is a rarity nowadays. so go and check out 'The Gathering Wilderness', which is a dead sure candidate for my album of the year...
Mikael should have done a Trey-style solo on MA too. I would have loved to hear that, but maybe it would have been too blatant.
Moonlapse said:
End of Deliverance = Every Meshuggah song, every time done better and more tastefully too

I'm making the assumption, from this post, that you either haven't been a fan of music for long, or that you're generally not very versed in music itself, nor how it's written, played etc. ie. not a musician.
Well since they're only playing the one chord, Opeth rely on the rhythm to shape the riff in that case. Meshuggah are fairly recknowned for their rhythmic style, which in my opinion they do quite well. He wanted to know bands who sound like Opeth and it seemed like trying to give him even slightly abstract instructions was met with a blank look. So I went direct and cited influences or bands that sound directly similar to said parts/songs/albums. When I hear the end of Deliverance I think 'Meshuggah' - I also get bored... but that only happens after the 4th repetition :)
Moonlapse said:
Well since they're only playing the one chord, Opeth rely on the rhythm to shape the riff in that case. Meshuggah are fairly recknowned for their rhythmic style, which in my opinion they do quite well. He wanted to know bands who sound like Opeth and it seemed like trying to give him even slightly abstract instructions was met with a blank look. So I went direct and cited influences or bands that sound directly similar to said parts/songs/albums. When I hear the end of Deliverance I think 'Meshuggah' - I also get bored... but that only happens after the 4th repetition :)
Hypnos said:
that's damn true. Primordial rule! this band is highly original and unique which is a rarity nowadays. so go and check out 'The Gathering Wilderness', which is a dead sure candidate for my album of the year...

Don Corleone said:
primordial is absolutely awesome.

Theses posts win.