So what other bands was Michael talking about???

Moonlapse said:
In terms of overall sound, you won't find anyone that sounds like Opeth. That's why they're so worshipped in today's metal industry. They take all the influences and incorporate them to create their own style. If you know enough you can call those influences though.

But the most obvious tribute to a style is Master's Apprentices. I'd hope most people who are familiar with both Morbid Angel and Opeth would be able to hear the connection. When I first heard the track I almost thought it was a cover of 'Where the Slime Live'.

I know thats what frustrates me so much, I wish they would do one more like orchid at least. Or that another band would come along and does something unique like Opeth. But I also realize that indeed is what makes Opeth so valuable and why I love them so damn much...
Valtiel said:
Or that another band would come along and does something unique like Opeth.

If it were like Opeth, it wouldnt be unique now would it? But there are plenty of bands who are much more unique than Opeth.
Master's Apprentice really reminds me of Where The Slime Live in's got that same brutal sound that sloshes along, pushed by the great drumming.

... ahh I get it, you're joking. haha, nice one.

No, I'm not. Are you even a drummer?

We really, really need black_paragon back here
Valtiel said:
You know their own particular sound style that sets them apart from others, the tone the riffs everything like that...

Ulver (Bergtatt)
Woods of Ypres
My Dying Bride

NOT carbon copies, but should have enough stylistic similarities to shut you up.
Not bands Mikael were talking about, but anyway bands that have a style that you need are Forest Stream and Thales. Not as good as Orchid or Morningrise but not too bad either.