So what other bands was Michael talking about???

Dreadful said:
No there is nothing exactly like Morningrise...he's basically talking about two guitar harmony...dissection, eucharist, edge of sanity..yeah yeah. Check out Katatonia - Jhva Elohem Meth for some pre-Opeth.

...and if Dissection tickles your fancy, check out Dawn, Sacrementum and Astriaal, all in the similar vein of melody based black metal, but (IMO) better than Dissection (as much as I love Dissection).

Also, you fucks need to check out Primordial.
Décadent said:
...and if Dissection tickles your fancy, check out Dawn, Sacrementum and Astriaal, all in the similar vein of melody based black metal, but (IMO) better than Dissection (as much as I love Dissection).

Also, you fucks need to check out Primordial.

i dont know if i could say sacramentum or astriaal is better than dissection....but Dawn is absolutely fantastic melodic blackened death metal.
Okay I don't get it now...

I now I have no clue why you ppl think they sound alike or how Opeth is supposed to get inspiration from bands like these, they sound absolutely nothing alike!!! Opeth has their own sound, style, texture that sound totally distinguished from everyone else...
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
they developed it thru the sound of other bands...

Maybe thats the case, but the end result is their own style completely differen't from others, and isn't that the gist of all band styles?...
Valtiel said:
Okay I don't get it now...


Quite right, except for the melody laden riffs with folkish acoustic interludes and alternating growled/clean vocals... NOTHING ALIKE!
Moonlapse said:
This feels a bit like bashing your head against a brick wall, yet less gratifying.

Sorry If it seems I'm being that way, but I mean come on, I just do not see it in these bands or anyone else...
Décadent said:
Quite right, except for the melody laden riffs with folkish acoustic interludes and alternating growled/clean vocals... NOTHING ALIKE!

Well I've only actually listened to dream scape and where the slime live and I don't see any resemblence, melodic ladden riffs yes but no where near compared to Opeth's style in my honest opinion, and clean vocals of course similar there, but I haven't heard any ascoustic parts yet so I don't know...
I know how to play Dreamscape on guitar. The song is one big set of melodies. The fact that they're played in a rhythmic style doesn't forego that.

I'm making the assumption, from these last few posts, that you either haven't been a fan of music for long, or that you're generally not very versed in music itself, nor how it's written, played etc. ie. not a musician. When you listen to dreamscape use Winamp to pan the stereo image to the right... you'll hear one guitar playing one melody... now pan the image to the left... you'll hear another guitar playing ANOTHER melody... yet these two are entwining simultaneously and seamlessly.

Now repeat this process with every song on Orchid and Morningrise. You will start to notice a pattern forming.
What the fuck is Dream Scape? Anyway, Morbid Angel are a straight out death metal band that Mike happens to worship, and Master Apprentices is basicaly just a tribute to them. No interesting melodies, no lush leads or anything, just processed, mechanical and monsterous riffs.
Moonlapse said:
I know how to play Dreamscape on guitar. The song is one big set of melodies. The fact that they're played in a rhythmic style doesn't forego that.

I'm making the assumption, from these last few posts, that you either haven't been a fan of music for long, or that you're generally not very versed in music itself, nor how it's written, played etc. ie. not a musician. When you listen to dreamscape use Winamp to pan the stereo image to the right... you'll hear one guitar playing one melody... now pan the image to the left... you'll hear another guitar playing ANOTHER melody... yet these two are entwining simultaneously and seamlessly.

Now repeat this process with every song on Orchid and Morningrise. You will start to notice a pattern forming.

ah, well thanks for clearing that up...
Sadly I am not a musician so forgive my obvious lack of knowledge there, yet anyway, looking to change that soon, soon as I get the money for both the guitar and lessons...
I see it all now, you mean like technical and arrangent style, okay I got you, I was hoping more of an actual sound similarity, but I see it all now
Décadent said:
What the fuck is Dream Scape? Anyway, Morbid Angel are a straight out death metal band that Mike happens to worship, and Master Apprentices is basicaly just a tribute to them. No interesting melodies, no lush leads or anything, just processed, mechanical and monsterous riffs.

yeah I see technical style the same, but like I said I was looking for more of a sound similarity and all that, you know...
Valtiel said:
yeah I see technical style the same, but like I said I was looking for more of a sound similarity and all that, you know...

What in the fuck do you mean by "sound"? Do you mean the guitar tone? The production values? The riffs? The melodies? What the bloody fuck?
In terms of overall sound, you won't find anyone that sounds like Opeth. That's why they're so worshipped in today's metal industry. They take all the influences and incorporate them to create their own style. If you know enough you can call those influences though.

But the most obvious tribute to a style is Master's Apprentices. I'd hope most people who are familiar with both Morbid Angel and Opeth would be able to hear the connection. When I first heard the track I almost thought it was a cover of 'Where the Slime Live'.
Décadent said:
What in the fuck do you mean by "sound"? Do you mean the guitar tone? The production values? The riffs? The melodies? What the bloody fuck?

I think from your earlier sarcasm you understood it...

You know their own particular sound style that sets them apart from others, the tone the riffs everything like that...