People you have gotten into Opeth


El Jefe
Dec 1, 2001
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Ok So who here on this forum has gotten somebody that you know meaning a friend acquaintance or whatever into Opeth by exposing them to the bands music?

Alright I will tell you guys/ladies an odd story.

I have this step brother which I have only known for like four years. I first met him when my father got married for the second time,his like nine years older than I am.

Well anyway when I first met him we started hanging out every once in a while like going out fishing or just having barbeques and drinking beer. He's a intersting person to hang around with,I guess he could best be described as a typical spanish person born in the United States and due to the area were he was raised which is not bad at all but has a rather large Latino community he got involved in all that gang shit when he was younger so he was constantly exposed to these type of people and to there music which is rap. Now he is totally out of the gang scene and image and has been for a many years the only thing that stuck with him was the music such as rap and pop but he was also into reggae during the time that I met him.

Well one day I decided to put some Suffocation on for him and he was drawn to it he actually kind of liked it,I was pretty surprised.then that same day I left my Bolt Thrower(the fourth crusade) at his house and I guess he listen to it because he was telling me that he was into it,but this guy is like a lyric person thats what he always observes in music, the lyrics so I figure this was one of the main reasons why he was into Bolt Thrower other than the music itself,plus the next day he was telling me that he thought the lyrics were interesting.

Well one day we decided to take a trip like 40 miles from our starting point and while I was driving I decided to put some Opeth on for him(morningrise) and he was into it somewhat he was kind of comfused since it was a lot diffenrent than the stuff I had been exposing him to,but after a week or so he totally liked it and the lyrics as well he was telling me how much he liked the mellow acoustic interludes within the music.Then one day I played Orchid for him and he REALLY liked that one I even let him borrow it since I noticed how much he liked it.After that he was telling me that if had the money he would buy all of Opeth's albums at once! I was just like damn, I was really surprised how he actualy was into Opeth's music considering his background.

So as you can see playing Opeth for him was a success in terms of appeal.
Originally posted by pac1288

Hey metalmancpa how does your family react when your playing Opeth?

My daughter thinks The Drapery Falls is one of the best songs she's ever heard.

My wife likes Opeth, but gets turned off by the death growls.

My son is indifferent to music - he listens to everything - period.
well...i can PROUDLY say that i got a LOT over 30 people into Opeth :D ... about 10 of my real friends ...and about 15-30 people online....woohoo! Aren't ya proud of me Mike ? :cool:

(P.S. i know for a fact that 12 of those people bought all 5 cd's ...and the rest about 1-4)

yes....i am that good at convincing people
Ive got heaps of people to like opeth, but probably only 4 or so to buy their CDs. But those people have in turn got many people into opeth and buying CDs.

I got my mate dave into Opeth, who in turn showed it to his mate who i didnt know... it just so happens this mate was trent, the guitarist from my band, who a few years later called me up to join his band even though we'd never met, because he heard i liked opeth!

And funnily enough when i was first discovering metal many years ago i got one of my school friends to tape all the metallica CDs for me coz his older brother had them, and it turns out this older brother was trent! So without ever meeting each other we've both had an influence on each others music choices.

Interesting I must say!

Yeah I try not to play metal when my girl-f is around but when I do she doesn't seem to mind to much,she doesn't really say anything about it,but its weird though because if I where to play jazz she will have a weird reaction like "whats that" or something negative,of course she wouldn't make me turn it off but she wouldn't have anything positive to say either. Maybe she gets overwhelmed by metal's sheer intensity or something and leaves her speechless. But my girl-f actually does like the the mellow Opeth songs especially "harvest" the first time I played that song she was like"wow thats a nice song" and its rare for her to make a comment like that about a song.
I was Introduced bu a friend, then the two of us got practily all of our friends in (and bought all 5 CDs) so about 10 to buy the cds and another 20ish that have heard and enjoy
When I lived in Brisbane, I must of converted 3 or 4 people to Opeth...

but here in Sydney, I don't really know that many people in the metal scene so I haven't really converted anyone.

To me, Opeth is very personal so I rarely play when friends are around.

most people I know don't look deep enough into Opeth to appreciate it...thats just the way it is.
I've turned about 4 on to them. This one guy in class last semester always heard me talking about them and said he bought an album just cause he figured they must be great if it's all I talked about. He ended up buying all their albums the day after he purchased Still life. Then he started buying other metal bands based on a list I gave him. Now he's a raving metal head. Into Borknagar, Opeth, Vintersorg, Winds, Mayhem, Horna, Death, Chasm, Immortal, Grond, Judas Iscariot, etc...

I turned this one guy on in a wierd way. I sent him the whole Morningrise on MP3 abouta year ago and Serenity Painted Death about 6 months ago, and he just last week called me up yelling "Morningrise is fucking genius"....

The other two were online people....
Quite a few really....can't really count them...but over 10 who have bought there is a flow on of the guys who I got into Opeth actually got Cutter into do I get to claim them?? lol :)...

Cutter - did you know Mick when he was living in Brisbane?? there is a fair chance we have met because I hung around with Mick a lot here in brissy...


Paul D.

NP: Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets
Curbstone said:-

Cutter - did you know Mick when he was living in Brisbane?? there is a fair chance we have met because I hung around with Mick a lot here in brissy...

Nope, I met Mick in Sydney, not brisbane. I didn't think he went to brisbane till recently so I would of missed him since I moved to Sydney about 4 years ago.

anyway...I'm sure most of my metalhead friends from Brissy are into Opeth by now...if they know whats good for them.
me i've burnt certain mix CD's for about 10-12 people even if they didn't ask for it and have gotten reports from like 7 of those people back that the fucking adored it!! dunno if any went and bought any actual full CD's or not... online i would say about another 6 or 7. I find random people into at least somewhat similar music and tell them about opeth. I feel like everyone in the world must hear morningrise at least once or else they really haven't heard music.
I've tried getting 4 or so people into Opeth, but most people I know don't really look deep into music or understand the whole progressive (or should I say, even remotely complex music :D) thing. So I've introduced 4-6 people into Opeth but only 2 of them I think actually get into any of their songs.
I've got a few of my friends into opeth. They're into tool and stuff like that, but i've turned them onto opeth now.
I have yet to turn anyone into Opeth yet, but I have gotten many of my friends into Iced Earth, Dream Theater, Slayer, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest. Even though no Opeth conversions yet, I'm still doing my part to the metal community. :)