What makes YOU atractive to the opposite sex?

Starscream said:
so come on, what is it about you personally that you think the ladies/guys love?

apparently its my eyes.

and what makes you unatractive?

i recon its the rest of me.

Somehow this sounds so wrong ... but here goes ...

I was told by my ex-girlfriends that they found me attractive is due to my attitude, which is a pretty much "can't be bothered" attitude ... I'm just not bothered with how peopl view me, can't be bothered to fit in ... haha I know this is how everyone would probably describe themselves, but with me, its like an extreme, I just have a bored look to me, and can't be arse to do anything that I wouldn't do ...

"I am who I am, and f*** you if you try to make me fit" ... that's pretty much my attitude to most things ... so yeah I guess thats it.

sides ... the fact that almost every teacher since elementary school told me I've got an really big attitude issue, I guess it must be true.

Another girl also pointed out to my lack of methodical approaches to things made her attracted to me, I do things as a spur of the moment, there is no pattern or method to my actions.

I guess my personality is a pretty extreme case, probably why only a few girls have been attracted to me ... haha ... a double edged sword.
This question doesn't apply to me. :p

EDIT: I just remembered, someone always stalks me on these threads to see what answer I give. Maybe I should've come up with something funnier... :erk:
My millions of £'s are my biggest attractive point. After that, it'll probably be my "rapist witt".
Probably my least appealing quality is the fact that I'm right all the time. People just can't deal with that level of correctness.
Well I am one hunky sexy mofo
other than that I have a great personality
and after that,I have money

now being serious:
girls say my eyes,some others say my personality
and one said that she liked my attitude towards life
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My attitude, and probably just that, as I'm an ugly bastard :yuk:

plus : guys happen to appreciate my eyes and hands, mainly. in addition to that, i'm quite smart and funny (yeah, let me tell it myself! :tickled: )

minus : uhm, i too often want to do things my way, and someone can find it bothering in the long run.

ante said:
anyway, I think it´s my leg muscles :lol:
yeah, the double bass wasn't enough, you had to add the bike!! :p
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I`ve had a couple of gfs, but right now I just feel so helplessly unattractive. I`m not a good looking person, but I make up for it with wit, intelligence, and humour. Too bad the girl I love won`t even notice me at all despite my attempts at getting her attention...
I've been told I have pretty eyes (blue). I also think I make up for my mediocre looks with my wit, intelligence, and humour. Well, maybe not the humor. Usually its way over everyone's head or just too morbid to laugh at.
mourningstar said:
plus : guys happen to appreciate my eyes and hands, mainly. in addition to that, i'm quite smart and funny (yeah, let me tell it myself! :tickled: )

minus : uhm, i too often want to do things my way, and someone can find it bothering in the long run.

yeah, the double bass wasn't enough, you had to add the bike!! :p

:lol: I was joking ;)
pinche thanatos mamila,hay gueyes mas feos que he visto con buena vieja,pinche cabron nomas quieres que te anden diciendo que estas guapo
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