What makes you want to mate?

Just an observation, didn't mean any offense. But Hitler would have seen any % Jew as a genetic infection, and un-suitable for his master race. (I hope this doesn't break out into another political "discussion"....)
no my real pa's is a fuckin dirty un pure bastard and should be shot 4 disgracing our race not my fault i was raised more nazi than 95% of the pure bloods ull meet
i was hoping you were a fake account... now i'm not so sure, because it would mean that you took the time to create that garish impressive thing of a page to give you more credibility, and that would be even sadder
Violet Baudelaire said:
i was hoping you were a fake account...

Same opinion .. to be honest, I'm shocked about what I read .. but let us discuss this ..

Explosive_Pyro: When you are so proud of beeing german .. do me a favor and speak german ..

1. It feels good. Biochemistry is directed toward making new offspring,
2. Biological IMperative (Life has evolved by reproducing itself, and can only survive into the future by continuing to do so).
3. Sex is fun. If it weren't, then I doubt it would have evolved as a biological strategy for reproduction.
Samurai said:

1. It feels good. Biochemistry is directed toward making new offspring,
2. Biological IMperative (Life has evolved by reproducing itself, and can only survive into the future by continuing to do so).
3. Sex is fun. If it weren't, then I doubt it would have evolved as a biological strategy for reproduction.
pull yer head out of the science book, for GOD'S SAKE MAN!

hehe. j/k :loco:
i cant speak german i was rased in nazi haratige though my fam is german but only my brother speaks german but he also speaks russian, spanish,french, italian, and of course italian but my bro has a diff dad hes 1/4 cherokee i have the blood pumpin through my vains though i am of german culture but i cant learn it till they get it at my school or collage i know some french though ... i dropped that class for metal shop though .. i love welding
1/4 cherokee? If I was paid £1 for every time I was told that someone was at least 1/4 cherokee then I would be a rich man.

I guess you do not get much attention at home do you Explosive Pyro?
no i am a loner.. yes i love myself i have two good friends and yeah i dont like friends cause if u trust ssomeone then theyll betray you! well im always home alone too noone ever comes home thats why i go home
Explosive_Pyro said:
no i am a loner.. yes i love myself i have two good friends and yeah i dont like friends cause if u trust ssomeone then theyll betray you! well im always home alone too noone ever comes home thats why i go home

the eternal optimist
uhh o well i dont know what that means so arg newho tho i have my new pics as soon as i can get them up i have black hair niw and wear nothin but school girl clooths so hah i dont know what im sayin