What metal album have you listened to the most?

The one that I have listened to the most would probably be one of these:

Nevermore - This Godless Endeavour
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet
Unearth - The Oncoming Storm
And how do you like Blackwater Park? Lot of people seems to think it is overrated because it's the album Opeth got known with. But I love the dark atmoshphere going on, and blackwater park is my favorite Opeth song. In fact I discovered Opeth with this song. I remember telling one of my friend to listen to this song because the singer growls lower than Corey Taylor :Smug:. I was young. -_-

I don't think it's overrated (that honor goes to MAYH IMO), but still, even though I heard it, Deliverance, and MAYH before I heard GR, when GR came out I was blown away by the beauty and power of the keyboard work that Per Wilberg brought; maybe it's cuz I really dig 70s prog, but he took it to a whole new level, and now IMO the older stuff just doesn't hold up AS MUCH in comparison! (cuz I still definitely dig 'em, let's get that clear :D) I mean, "Baying of the Hounds," goddamn, and the offbeat grooves of "The Grand Conjuration" are just too fucking infectious
I got very, very tired of Opeth about a year ago.
But IMO, Blackwater Park still holds up, but that's about the only album of theirs that still does it for me.
And see Marcus, that's just the thing I've started really disliking about them. It's all becoming a bit too 70's prog for my liking.
If you like 70's prog, that's fine, listen to it, hell, I like it and listen to it too, but this is 2009, and music doesn't advance by doing throwbacks to older shit.
Yes, but what 70s prog have YOU heard with walls of double bass and satanic growling? :D I love the mixture, bringing it into the 21st century with such grace; that said, while I feel GR was the perfect blend and integration, Watershed perhaps took it a bit too far, but I still love it! (though I can acknowledge why some would not, especially fans of Opeth from the olden days)
I just think Mikey needs to start learning some restraint. It's getting far too self indulgent.
I miss Lopez as well. Even if Mikey was being a self indulgent cunt on the other albums, lopez was there to bathe me in jazz fills.
Images & Words just never gets old for me hell if they didnt have take the time on that record id say it was the perfect album, also the trees are dead and dried out by the band sikth is another album i have yet to get sick of
Images & Words just never gets old for me hell if they didnt have take the time on that record id say it was the perfect album, also the trees are dead and dried out by the band sikth is another album i have yet to get sick of

I really love I&W too, the main thing I don't like on this album is the damn snare haha, it is horrible. I prefere Awake a bit though, for the ''darker'' side. I really enjoy Labrie's vocals on Awake.
most of my most listened to albums are already here.

blackwater park may be the winner.

ghost reveries is AMAZING, probably my second fav behind BWP. atonement off GR is one of very few 5 star songs on my itunes. btbam are alright, i kind of liked them at first and then i just started thinking their song structures are too all over the place, more for the sake of it than for any purpose and i kind of stopped listening to them.