What record have you listened to in your life the most ever?


Dec 16, 2002
For me:

Anthrax - Among The Living. Persistence Of Time


Metallica - Master Of Puppets
I don't know if any John Bush era Anthrax albums have been around long enough to qualify, and I'm a tad more old school than most of this board, so without checking the grooves on my turntable, I'd have to say:
Queen: "News of the World"
KISS: "Alive!"
Led Zeppelin "II"
Alice Cooper's "Billion Dollar Babies"
very tough call.
Since high school and thru college it'd have to be "Stomp 442" or Faith No More's "AngelDust."
hmm,strangly enough i would say mine would be exodus fab disaster or anthrax soe,these 2 albums were my first exposure to metal and i played those tapes every afternoon for at least 2 years straight,also ratm first album was high on the list.

the reason there are no later albums is that theres just to much out there,when i was first intoduced to metal i was relying on what people gave me,maybe inxs kick album would be the 4 listened album.
SOWN probably the most listened to but the Beatles white album is a close second, others that get fairly heavy rotation are Powertrippin' by the Almighty, Master of Puppets and Peace Sells. I recently found a box in my attic with loads of old tapes stuff like Therapy?, the Wildhearts, Headswim, Suicidal and Nailbomb. Im having a lotta fun blasting through them at the moment...
Vulgar Display of Power, Faith No More: King for a day, fool for a lifetime, Ride the Lightning, Danzig 3. I know theres a ton more just can't think.