Albums that I listened to the most:
Metallica - Ride the lightning, Master of Puppets, And Justice For All, Kill Em All.
Slayer - Reign in Blood, Hell Awaits, Haunting the Chapel, Show No Metcy
Judas Priest - Every single fucking one of them!

Iron Maiden - All except X Factor, No Prayer for the Dying and Virtual XI
Megadeth - Peace Sells, Rust In Peace, United Abominations * I think their other stuff are a bit too laid back. Not saying they're bad, though*
Anvil - Metal On Metal/Forged In Fire (also my band's name, lawl)
Metal Church - Metal Church, Blessing in Disguise, The Dark
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill, Coma of Souls, Hordes of Chaos, Enemy of God, Outkast.
Accept - Metal Heart, Russian Roulette, I am Rebel
Anthrax - Spreading the Disease, Armed and Dangerous, Among the Living
Dio - Holy Diver
Death - Leprosy, Sound of Perseverance, Symbolic, Scream Bloody Gore
Jag Panzer - All of Them

Danzig - All of them

Primal Fear - Black Sun, Primal Fear
Trivium - Shogun (Odd one in the list. I hate all their other albums).
...And my list could go on for 3 more pages. Too lazy to type.