what (of anathema) have you lost?

i'm also very touchy with cd's. if they're not in alphabetical and chronological order i go mad.

and i haven't lost any anathema material. things you care about, you don't loose. period.
i just find the judgement CD back, it was in my daddy's cd collection. Yeeaaahhhh. i can't stop listening to it , i really misted it
i don't think it's just me. everybody here is pretty much like that. same goes with books. alphabetical by authors name, etc...
eh no, they're not.

actually anyone who arranges their cds in alpahbetic order deserves a greek slapping. :lol:

my cds are strewn all the place ,never mind alpabetical order. Sure they get broken and lost and dismantled but its far more organic and natural

the cds I play most are on the top of the piles, and the crap is on the bottom
i used to 'lend' ppl cds, as a cpl were being 'borrowed' - so i lost and gained. cant remember who, who cant remember me. who cares, it's a trade.
the thing is that if i have 400 cd's mixed up it would take me 5-10 minutes to find the one i wanna play. it's not hard keeping them in order anyway. trust me, i'm lazy enough to know...
i only roughly categorise them in genres,britpop,soundtracks,metal,nu-metal hybrids blah.around 350 cds that is.not many at all.damn:(