What pisses me off

I love these little stabs at people :rolleyes:

Will you shut the hell up, you thickheaded wanker? Watto was right, I made a joke (here's to stating the obvious) and you're too much of an idiot to realise. I'm sick of you on here, seriously, you'd think it was your personal blog or something.

Ok off to work soon

I've started the drinking.

Darker Half confrmed support for Mortal sin - 8:30pm - notified through myspace bulletin.

Yep was a reply to taghreed's post - we had a discussion on here a little while ago about bringing personal shit to the forum - so why would someone, in this case taghreed - just post something obviously in my direction on here. Its so stupid and childish, my reply wasnt much better, but im not gonna sit here and read that crap without replying, but atleast i dont bring all of the personal shit on here.

And Pete, whatever man, if you dont like me you dont like me. I dont care, have a good trip in Europe, hope you enjoy it. :kickass:
I can see how it would have been misinterpreted, even i thought you were referring to Pete's post.. quotes help.:P

Yeh man i can see how he misinterpreted it. I didnt specify who i was talking about because then it would have been obvious to everyone else who taghreed posted about, and like i said i dont want personal shit on here cause it fucks up. And Taghreed - dont bullshit. That was pretty much what our conversation was about and you even quoted me. So just stop. Its gone far enough, you were talking about me, plain and simple, b ut instead of just me knowing now everyone knows, good job. Entire fucking reason i want you out of my life.
On a happier note... turning up to a gig where the band you went for doesn't even play but still try to hock you a CD, then sell a CD to someone else for a price you offered to pay but were refused.... PISSES ME OFF! :p
Ouch:erk: tad bit on the harsh side there Pete Stormy's a good bloke

I know Stormy and he is a top mate :rock: That person who said those harsh words doesn't know him at all. People who hide behide the internet under screen names and say such things goes to show how small they really are. cheerio :kickass: