What pisses me off

What also pisses me off is trying to sleep at around 10:30pm-ish last night but instead I've ended up working all fucking night again and am only just about to get to sleep now. Now I'm going to be rat-shit all day again. I need to get some kind of consistant sleeping pattern happening again.
It pisses me off that it seems everywhere I go, there is some sort of tension, hate or big arguments. Home, school, even on the fucking internet! (Just been reading the last few pages...)

Feels that somehow anything I do lately is wrong, and I get absolutely shot-down and slaughtered for it. I hate the feeling of having to be incredibly cautious around people just so I can be able to relax, and get on with the work I need to do..Sick of it.

girl, you better thank your lucky stars you're not living in Lebanon. the country is on the verge of a civil war, the army are fighting a group of terrorists in the north (which is like an hour away eventhough i live in Beirut - the country is tiny 10452 km2, population 3.5 million), people are dying in bomb explosions all over the country and even 12 year olds talk in politics and swear at you if you don't share their political views. heh

Needless to say, that pisses me off.
well after that bad chinese food giving you the shits seems quite meaningless!

btw: Todd, dude nice work on the overclock and the score on the ram. I'm due for an upgrade badly but all i ever do with my PC now is listen to music and play championship manager and neither requires too much of anything to run thankfully.
btw: Todd, dude nice work on the overclock and the score on the ram. I'm due for an upgrade badly but all i ever do with my PC now is listen to music and play championship manager and neither requires too much of anything to run thankfully.

haha cheers... I've back it down a bit (500mhz), noticed that it was getting a bit high in temp when the cpu was at full load. Then again, my current CPU (or as I call it, CPosU) is notorious for running hot. That (and a new power supply) are my next upgrade down the track
dude Guitarguy97 is not me. Get the mods to check the IP addresses if you are so fuckin sure.