What pisses me off

Eh I was supposed to have moved to Sutherland a month ago.. but we haven't gotten a place yet. And the guy thats moving into my room needs to move in next weekend..
And afford it? I can't haha. Heres so borrowing money of the folks :s
Guns N Posers.

Credit to Axl for surrounding himself with top musicians. I've been a fan of Ron Thal and Bryan Mantia for a while but never realised Rob Finck was actually any good at all let alone THAT good.

Both Rose Tattoo and Sebastian Bach put on solid and most importantly fun sets. Anderson's "hydroponic shit" speech and Bach's "no war" rally were minor detractions but nothing that could drag down the killer performances by them both. Axl, on the other hand, set the tone early on with his sooking when a couple people were calling out for Slash to which he responded with a tryhard speech and having them thrown out. They called out for Slash, boo fucking hoo. I would've loved to see the crowd chanting out for Slash in unison after that just to shut the fucker down. He seems to easily forget who pays his meal ticket.

Thankfully Axl was pretty drowned out in the mix for the most part, and what little of his weak whining managed to leak through was usually drowned out by the singing of the audience. Anderson and Bach both left him for dead in vocals as much as in personality which probably made him look worse than he would have had he just opened without supports.

I ended up missing the rest of the set after Thal's solo spot due to 'unforseen circumstances' however the only thing I really feel I missed out on was seeing the other guys get on stage (from what I could hear, Bach and Anderson both came back on?).

Most taxi drivers also piss me off.
Eh I was supposed to have moved to Sutherland a month ago.. but we haven't gotten a place yet. And the guy thats moving into my room needs to move in next weekend..
And afford it? I can't haha. Heres so borrowing money of the folks :s

Yeh was gonna say, going to uni and being able to afford to move out is a pain in the ass.
Credit to Axl for surrounding himself with top musicians. I've been a fan of Ron Thal and Bryan Mantia for a while but never realised Rob Finck was actually any good at all let alone THAT good.

I thought it was Frank Ferrer drums?

GnR were pretty much what I was expecting - good musicians and a decent arena show but Axl has lost a few steps. I was actually surprised he didn't go off on any major rants on Saturday night.

Sebastian Bach was great for his set and he definitely raised the energy level when he came on to sing My Michelle.

The crowd surfing "Borat" was a nice touch :p
I ended up missing the rest of the set after Thal's solo spot due to 'unforseen circumstances' however the only thing I really feel I missed out on was seeing the other guys get on stage (from what I could hear, Bach and Anderson both came back on?).

Haha, those unforseen circumstances pissed me off too.
It annoyed me that the St John ambo people only really cared to get home than look after someone.
Renting, exactly what u've been doing for the time ive known ya. How the fuck do you keep up with it all.

It was fine when I had a part-time job but I had to quit because of uni.. so yeah.. now I have to get some dodgy casual job.. fun. But I love it, I wouldn't (and.. well I can't) move back home for anything.