What r u Listening to?

Aragon - "Rocking Horse & Other Stories" - Excellent NEO album! Get it Ken!:devil:
DeeExpus - "King Of Number 33" - great new release!
Im about ready to order the 2cds ""The Mouse"' ( Aragon....) Just waiting....to add to it...

Nevermind on this...Not very Good Im Told......
Beatles - custom compilation
Protest the Hero - scurillous
Riot - immortal soul
Gryphon - midnight mushrumps
I'm listeing to absolute silence from ALL Giants and Jets fans alike, and it sounds better than any disc I've listened to in a long time!!!!!

Unfortunately, exposing the Jets for the fraud that they are probably gave Andy Reid job security.

Just glad to see that Eli was Mr. Clutch yet again. If he would have just puked on the field, we could have sewn a #5 on his back and had Mama McNabb change his dress and feed him some soup.