What r u Listening to?

Rick Miller----Delusional
9 Skies--Return Home
Hangover Paradise---Out Of Sight
Hangover Paradise----Mirrors
After The Fall---The Living Dream
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Arena - Double Vision.
It includes a 22 min. track.
Only problem is, I personally, do not like the lead singer.
I wish they could get Damien Wilson!
That would make them superb!
Verbal Delirium::

1) So close & yet so Far
2) From the small hours of weakness
3) The Imprisoned words of Fear ( My Fav)
L'Albero Del Veleno - Tale Of a Dark Fate
Leviathan - At Long Last, Progress Stopped To Follow
Heaven's Cry - Food For Thought Substitute
Zero Hour - Metamorphosis
Getting into new stuff I recently picked up

OSTURA - The Room
TOMORROW'S EVE - Mirror Of Creation III : Project Ikaros
SANHEDRIN - Ever After
Anti-Depressive Delivery - Chain of Foods
Beyond Twilight - Devil's Hall of Fame
Birds and Buildings - Bantam to Behemoth
Black Sabbath - s/t
Celeste - s/t
Deluge Grander - August in the Urals
Dream Theater - Train of Thought
Electromagnets - s/t
Gentle Giant - s/t
Jethro Tull - A Passion Play
King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic
King Crimson - Red
King Crimson - Starless and Bible Black
Miriodor - Avanti!
Present - Barbaro (Ma Non Troppo)
Present - High Infidelity
Redemption - The Fullness of Time
Spiral Architect - A Sceptic's Universe
Yugen - Labirinto d'Acqua

Happy summer everyone. :-)
Im Hooked On """APOGEE"" I had too get all of them::
1) The Border of Awareness
2) Sisyphos
3) On The Aftertaste
4)The Garden of Delights ( My Fav)
5)Mystery REmains
6)Die Glaserne Wand/Schleifen
7)Waiting For The Challange
8)The Art of Mind
9)Conspiracy Of Fools