What r u Listening to?

How do you like their version of ""U2" Song "" New Years Day"" ??

I don't know. I have mixed feelings about it. It really caught me off guard the first time I listened to the album. It's ok but I would rather have had it on a separate CD with the bonus tracks or at the end of the main track list. It's well executed but not my cup of tea. For me, it's very distracting from the flow of the original album songs. The only Redemption cover song that I absolutely love is Say Something.
Sunchild----Messages From Afar
Millenium--Notes without Words---------------------( A must for all Millenium fans)
Marillion----All One Tonight
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Megadeth - The World Needs A Hero
Maestrick - Espresso Della Vita ; Solare
Crystal Palace - Scattered Shards
Mother Of Millions - Sigma
Circles---The Last One ( This was disappointing) "" Sounded like a whole bunch of Simular Bands all rolled up in one""
Metamorphosis --- The Turning Point ( yes Ken I found it .Missed filed at home)
Metamorphosis----Then All Was Silent
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