What r u Listening to?

One man's shite is another man's treasure. :p

Now playing:
Deathspell Omega - Fas-Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Zero Hour - The Towers of Ararice
Zero Hour - Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond
Threshold - Dead Reckoning
Sieges Even - Playground

Four of these shitty discs I bought at the Laser's Edge. :lol:
Well, here's my short story of the weekend:

I went to see Epica in concert on saturday...After exposing myself to Mutiny Within, Blackguard, Scar Symmetry and Epica (mostly growling vocals for the first 3 bands), I said to myself tonight: I'll pop the Royal Albert Hall DVD by Opeth...Lo and behold...A new appreciation for them!

I'm not a fan of the growling/screaming but after getting used to them with Epica and the new JLB album, I kind of started liking them...So tonight, I finally "got" Opeth.

I wish I had really gotten Opeth when I saw them in Tucson in 2009. I love the music passages, the clean vocals, and the guitar solos but the growling was the turn off...I had to listen to them at a low volume. After tonight, I might listen to them a little louder

I own the RAH DVD, Watershed, and the Lamentations DVD (which I originally got because of the Documentary...I'm a sucker for making of documentaries).

Anyways, carry on..

NP: Opeth - Watershed album
I'm listening to Mets fans whine (more than usual). How does a rotation of Halladay, LEE, Oswalt, and Hamels sound. I'm betting that a lot of Mets (and Braves) will feel like they woke up to find that someone peed in their Wheaties!!