What really irritates you about people?


Apr 21, 2001
Timmy's house
I hate people who eat food before they pay for it in supermarkets. The people who pick up a packet of crisps or something and eat them as they do their shopping.
For God's sake!!...... At least wait until you've left the shop!!! :mad:

Also people who think the only way to control their kids is to shout at them, swear at them, or just call them stupid :mad:

Oh, and people who just CAN'T control their kids :mad:

People have really ticked me off today :mad:
people suck......i hate people......

they're worse than a herd of Cows....never fucking shift if u say 'excuse me' just blithly stand there yakin into their mobiles about how they're talkin on their mobiles...... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Eclipse
i prefer to taste my foods before I buy them... what's wrong with that? :p

There's nothing wrong with sampling something at the Deli counter..... But to open a can of coke and drink it while walking around the store... I mean... EVERYONE knows what a can of coke tastes like!!! It just makes people look worse than pigs. At least pigs can wait until feeding time :mad:
I absolutely hate people who show around with their mobile phone! When they are walking they are talking as loud as possible to make sure everyone sees them. Even more irritating is when they start showing their ringtones to eachother, every 10 seconds you here these IRRITATING stupid gay melodies from the latest popsongs!

I also get pissed when people park before our garageport. People are just too lazy to park their car 5 metres further and walk the extra 5 metres. When I see that I always make sure I spit on their window. I just can't stand the stupid people who are too lazy to walk 5 metres!

Humanity :puke:
I hate people who arent open minded :(

I Also hate fat people who wear tight clothes :)