What records do you think need a proper reissue? SOUND OFF!

What about Section Brain, an amazing Thrash/Death band from Czech Republic? Their only album is generally sold for 100$ or something less...
And also Mindrot discography deserves to be rediscovered after all these years... not old school, but definitely quality music.

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I would like to see these reissued on cd officially. I know they were bootlegged some years back.
Blood Money/ Battlescarred
Blood Money/ Red,Raw and Bleeding!
Is this too much of a long shot? This bands whole discography should be reissued, but this is their best album, IMO. If only this one was remastered and set loose on the world again, I would finally be at peace...


...I meant to add that their catalog was recently 'bootlegged', I think back in 2008(?). There are a few original SPV copies floating around, but it's hard to tell which is which (until you buy a copy), so I haven't bothered. Another good reason for a real label to re-release them.
Section Brain - Blood For The Bucks

What about Section Brain, an amazing Thrash/Death band from Czech Republic? Their only album is generally sold for 100$ or something less...
And also Mindrot discography deserves to be rediscovered after all these years... not old school, but definitely quality music.

Mindrot - Withersoul

I completely agree on the MINDROT discography. I have actually thought about it, but RELAPSE will do it eventually i bet.
Matt, what about the Persian Risk- Rise Up cd? I know you mentioned it in the NWOBHM thread. Great disk and hard to find these days.
I used to be in this band, way back in 1987 before this album came out. And even though they stole my lyrics to the song "My Gun", plus many riffs that ended up being on this album that I was never credited for, I think this would make a great release. It's never been put out on CD, and I don't think it was even on cassette. If you can track down Ken Cuckaroo, or Tim Meehan, or any of the other members, it might be worth the effort. This was a really solid album, released on a tiny label called Anthrax Records (Which was also a club/bar) based out of New Haven, Connecticut. I quit the band right before they recorded this, and moved to Maine to join Weapons.
