What records do you think need a proper reissue? SOUND OFF!

Still waiting/hoping for someone to reissue all of the Iron Rainbow material. Great stuff! With all the reissues coming out these days, I still can't believe these guys have not been tapped.

I saw Iron Rainbow a few times. I knew Jeff and Tom very well. It would be great to see there material on cd. It was sad to loose Tom so young.
One album I would absolutely die to get reissued is the first Stone Fury album "Burns Like A Star". I have the tape and lp, but everytime the Japanese pressing of the cd pops up it sells for well over $100.00. One of the most underrated rock albums of the 80's in my opinion.
One album I would absolutely die to get reissued is the first Stone Fury album "Burns Like A Star". I have the tape and lp, but everytime the Japanese pressing of the cd pops up it sells for well over $100.00. One of the most underrated rock albums of the 80's in my opinion.

Funny this is mentioned but WAY back in the early 2000s those two Stone Fury albums were on the top of my list to do (even before I started idea for Divebomb) and at that time Universal wanted $10,000 to do them. I laughed and walked away. I am sure now it can be done for much much less, but Universal is hard to deal with.
Finally made it to the Divebomb board. So just to sound off on a few releases that I think should use the Divebomb Records treatment:

1. Deathwish - "At The Edge Of Damnation" - not as good as the first album sure but a worthy contender still. Any reason this one has passed up when Divebomb reissued the second album?
2. Leviathen - "Onward Thru The Fog" - vicious and very diverse power/thrash from the US. Lots of potential for bonus tracks in the form of demos etc.
3. Deathrider - "Requiem" - possibly the best unsung speed metal record from the US. Really great stuff and obscure as hell.
4. Statue - "Comes To Life" - Finnish power/speed/thrash. Really melodic at times and reminds me of Anthrax. Great band and record!
5. Axiom - "Vicious Circle" - molten US power metal. Absolute TOP of the genre.

These are some of the CD's that I think could warrant Divebomb treatment. I realize some of those might be too obscure and bands too hard to reach but I think it would be worth the hassle to do this.
Finally made it to the Divebomb board. So just to sound off on a few releases that I think should use the Divebomb Records treatment:

1. Deathwish - "At The Edge Of Damnation" - not as good as the first album sure but a worthy contender still. Any reason this one has passed up when Divebomb reissued the second album?
2. Leviathen - "Onward Thru The Fog" - vicious and very diverse power/thrash from the US. Lots of potential for bonus tracks in the form of demos etc.
3. Deathrider - "Requiem" - possibly the best unsung speed metal record from the US. Really great stuff and obscure as hell.
4. Statue - "Comes To Life" - Finnish power/speed/thrash. Really melodic at times and reminds me of Anthrax. Great band and record!
5. Axiom - "Vicious Circle" - molten US power metal. Absolute TOP of the genre.

These are some of the CD's that I think could warrant Divebomb treatment. I realize some of those might be too obscure and bands too hard to reach but I think it would be worth the hassle to do this.

Found members of Deathrider, Leviathen on facebook. waiting to chat with them. Statue's website hasn't been active since 2010 but I sent them a message.

Axiom was mentioned before but I wasn't able to track any of them down yet, if I remember.
That is the first album and the band have no masters. They are gone. :(

So no chance of reissue then? Or would it be possible to take the sound from vinly and remaster it to the best one possible? Would be a shame if we were left hanging with one reissued album and no the first one. It's as good as the second one if I recall properly.

Second of all - thanks for looking into my suggestions - I can provide tons and tons more if needed. I would have posted here earlier but I have been busy. My friend Vlad refered me to this place.

And I just want to say - I love the reissues you have done so far. Uncle Slam especially is the one I love - great sound, great reissue.

Also - any possibility of doing a reissue of the Mottek "Fatal Violence" album? This is a great, vicious German hardcore punk band that turned into a total thrash band on their last album. Lots of great moshing thrash to be had.
And one of the most wanted reissues would be both GRIFFIN discs. But I doubt this possible. Shame because they could use a proper reissue and remaster (not to mention bonus tracks).
Just a heads up (as I'm sure you will all be interested), it looks like Coven is reissuing their debut album "Blessed Is the Black". They're playing two shows where you can buy the re-release and it should be available online in early December.

So no chance of reissue then? Or would it be possible to take the sound from vinly and remaster it to the best one possible? Would be a shame if we were left hanging with one reissued album and no the first one. It's as good as the second one if I recall properly.

Second of all - thanks for looking into my suggestions - I can provide tons and tons more if needed. I would have posted here earlier but I have been busy. My friend Vlad refered me to this place.

And I just want to say - I love the reissues you have done so far. Uncle Slam especially is the one I love - great sound, great reissue.

Also - any possibility of doing a reissue of the Mottek "Fatal Violence" album? This is a great, vicious German hardcore punk band that turned into a total thrash band on their last album. Lots of great moshing thrash to be had.

there are several bootlegs of that first Deathwish taken from LP source. I am not a fan of reissues taken from LP sources. Better off just buying an LP. haha. But the band and I have discussed doing a "DIE HARD" edition in which everyone will know the source is an LP. But it's something for the future.

Post up your list. Always looking for future reissue ideas. I always love a good challenge trying to track people down.