What should I do today?

buy a midget prostitute and send her/him to an underprivileged all girls catholic school.
Grab your camera, some quarters, and jump on the bus with no destination in mind. Take pictures whereever you go. Go far away and spend all day doing this in various places you usually don't go to. Come home this evening and make a thread with all your photos you took. Good times!
True , but there is always the danger that the cam will get wet and then you will need a new one
If you want to avoid the rain:

Go do whatever grocery shopping you need to do at a store you've never been to before.

Go to Guitar Center and dink around on the instruments for a while.

Go pay a random visit to friend who you know wouldn't mind if you showed up unannounced.

Go to the bar and challenge someone you've never met to a game of pool.

Go to the driving range (one of my favorite rainy day activities... most here are covered).
If you want to stay home:

Re-arrange your cds

Start a new porn site subscription and put your bandwidth to use!

Re-arrange your furniture

Clean up your hard-drive(s) on your computer.

Make yourself the most amazing sandwich ever (may require a trip to store).

Whatever you decide to do, take pics and make a thread!
All good ideas!

I do need to hit the store AND I need to eat ( haven't eaten today )

I began work on a logo for someone.

Changed over a bunch of light bulbs to the energy efficient ones.

I have to stop at work and pick up my turkey for thanksgiving ( perk I get, 20 pound bird )

I'm all for vocalizing a bit.