body detoxing question

The police do, and will. I believe the stores do tests to maintain an air of clean upstanding christian morals, like with hair in the 60s. I suppose if I owned a business, I wouldn't care if employees smoked it, but don't ever come in baked.
if you dont smoke much you can pass a piss test without water. You can smoke one joint a week and be ok.

You cant clean your body in 3 days, but you can delute your piss. Drink about a half gallon of water and flush yourself,.....then drink another half gallon for the test. IT will be deluted....the worste thing is the test will come out unconclusive, which will give you more time. Usually 3 days if the piss is sent to a lab, if on site, then you may have one more day to prepare

The pills you get for masking your pee, most tests, actually test for that stuff now.

You can clean your whole system in 5 days though(not your hair or nails). 45 dollars for the herbal mix. 6 pills a day. HERBAL CLEANSE is the name of teh product. I used it to help get off drugs a few yrs ago. I was clean in 5 days. The program is for 10 days though.

BUt as Captain Beard said, just dont smoke anymore, its not worth it.. WIth the time you have, i would say go for teh water and flush yourself, but you will not be clean, the thc will still gather in your kidneys, but youll have time to pass the test before the thc hits the kidneys again.

You can have someone pee for you, but if you get caught, thats a felony. plus, you gotta keep the pee at a temp of 92 to 100 in a codom inside you. You dont want to do that.

good luck.

BTW, i just had a drug test last thursday. The valium and the Muscle relaxers i am prescribed didnt even show up in my test.
Fasting and drinking raw juice works wonders for ridding the body of toxins. If you have a juicer, you should eat/drink nothing but raw juice for a couple of days. I've done this a few times, and it really cleans out your entire system.
Not sure how it works with thc though.
was all for naught, it seems. when i got home, there was a message from my manager asking what day next week i'd be ready to start work :lol: still gonna keep up drinking a lot and flush out my system since they might only be able to keep me until the end of the year and then i'd be on the job hunt again.

100% legal weed that's untraceable in tests and smokes like the real thing. I was sceptical but I tried it and it's great.