What soul-dragon are you?


You are an Ocean Dragon. You are mighty, strong, and powerful. You prefer the salted waters with its large beasts to hunt and the vast expanses to the rivers and lakes. Your temper rivals that of the fire and storm dragons and often causes trouble for unwary sailors. You prefer to be alone, less its time to mate. Human find you terrifying and avoid where you tread with all their might.

This quiz suck.
I love these.
This is me.

You are an Angelic Dragon. The rarest of the rare, you are wise, terrible, and beautiful all at the same time. The angels freed you from your bondage so that you may destroy evil in the universe. You can do well on your own but prefer company. Though you are blessed you show strange fascination and almost reverence for all things dark. Temptation is everywhere for you and you must be sure not to fall into the traps set for you by the demons who wish to destroy you.
You are a Demon Dragon.

You are a Demon Dragon. You are one of the oldest and wisest dragons in existence. You choose to live in hell because it is the only place warm enough for you. You are wise and are often a pacifist despite your terrifying outward appearance. The fact that people tend to prejudge you often frustrates you, but dont fret you are not alone. You travel in packs and there are plenty of other dragons that share you convictions.

You are a Mountain Dragon. You lie dormant inside your rocky shell, feeling like something is missing in life, that youre not the person you want to be. You meditate and ponder what is missing in your life and wait for the day when you can burst from your shell and roam the world complete. You are calm, and somewhat stoic, a natural philosopher. Persevere and you will someday find the answers you seek.

You are a Forest Dragon.

You are a gentle giant who dwells in the woods.Your brother the fire dragon often causes you grief but your love for him perseveres. You know he doesnt mean to do what he does but you often find yourself getting burned. Your good nature also gives others the impression that they can walk all over you, you need to be aware of this and stand your ground. You are strong and compassionate, this may be your downfall but it makes you one of the most lovable creatures in the forest.
You are a Fire Dragon. Hot, passionate and angry, you burn with the flam of thousands of years of persecution. Youre actually very sweet and caring when youre not blowing your top. You prefer hot dry places like deserts or rain forests; the North Pole is not your favorite place to be. You love company but often times your temper drive a wedge between you and your loved ones. You must learn to contain your anger, or you might hall off and hurt someone you love one day.

thats too strange for me :p
You are a Mountain Dragon. You lie dormant inside your rocky shell, feeling like something is missing in life, that youre not the person you want to be. You meditate and ponder what is missing in your life and wait for the day when you can burst from your shell and roam the world complete. You are calm, and somewhat stoic, a natural philosopher. Persevere and you will someday find the answers you seek.
Raistlin1980 said:

You are a Forest Dragon.

You are a gentle giant who dwells in the woods.Your brother the fire dragon often causes you grief but your love for him perseveres. You know he doesnt mean to do what he does but you often find yourself getting burned. Your good nature also gives others the impression that they can walk all over you, you need to be aware of this and stand your ground. You are strong and compassionate, this may be your downfall but it makes you one of the most lovable creatures in the forest.

You are a Mountain Dragon. You lie dormant inside your rocky shell, feeling like something is missing in life, that youre not the person you want to be. You meditate and ponder what is missing in your life and wait for the day when you can burst from your shell and roam the world complete. You are calm, and somewhat stoic, a natural philosopher. Persevere and you will someday find the answers you seek.
TB666 said:
What the hell.
I'm the only ocean dragon.
I feel so alone :cry:.
It's ok dude, i'm the only Storm Dragon.


You are a Storm Dragon. You are angry, bitter, and sorrowful. You let the world know this with every tornado, monsoon, and hurricane you create with your temper tantrums. This can be good in some situations, like if your brother the fire dragon decides to go on a flaming spree. You detest company and often fight with other dragons that you come into contact with. Try and keep a positive outlook, life's not all rain and clouds.

Cool quiz Malicious....the pics are damn good for MS Paint!!

erm......'Marco Polo' though? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

[edit] heh, i've just realised they actually look more like horses than dragons....but that's cool. It's your imagination right? :p
Yeah, its hard to maje them look really dragony when you only have like 10-20 minutes to make them in (I had to catch a train and all to get home) I think the storm one looks most like a horse, I think they're cute heehee. And at least I didn't rip off other people's pics like my other quiz lol.