what the fuck to do with my life plz

Returning to teaching English to retards. I mean, college freshmen. It's an extra 12 grand a year over what I was making and far less bullshit. Cheers
Tard instruction ftw! Congrats!

Still, it never ceases to amaze me that students are able to enroll in college level English classes without possessing the ability to distinguish between a subject and a verb, let alone write an essay that makes any sense. That's how it is where I work, anyway. Fun stuff. :goggly:
Teaching bored college freshmen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teaching 10th and 11th graders with behavior problems and IEP mods

Plus, the pay is better. Good work.
i can't believe we have TWO college level English teachers amongst our midst ... both womanizers ... how the heck do you guys make it through class?

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