what the fuck to do with my life plz

Erik ... btw, can't you go to school AND work at the same time? ... or is that like against Euro religion?
well, I took the first steps today towards possibly becoming an auto damage estimator for a major insurance co. ... commence laughter.

its actually a pretty rough process with 6 weeks of paid training in VA but it leads to a pretty independent work environment with a lot of confrontation with clients and shops ... both of which I am very used to. :loco:

as a parallel I am also going to doing apprenticeship with someone for electrical estimating ... a much more BUCKO FUCKING BUCKS spot ... the guy is one of literally half a dozen major guys in NYC that do this for pretty much every high rise that comes up.
he is retiring soon and for reasons unknown (buttseks) wants me to learn the trade as his sons expressed zero interest.

either way ... one fucking eighty career wise ...
I almost pursued the ol' 180 degree career move a few years ago and balked when I realized it meant starting completely over :erk:
My classes were so long ago I was going to have to retake every one of them. Fuck that. I went the shorter route to fame and riches by staying in my current field and advancing. Shorter as in it's taken me four years to get a masters that should've taken two :loco:
wow aurel that sounds boring as shit but if its what you want then good luck man

i'm reading grammar books

grammar grammar grammar
I can picture Dorian working at this facility.

A 72-year-old man having a tumour removed from his kidney died after the chief anesthetist and nurse took a lunch break in the middle of the surgery.

The 72-year-old went under anesthetic at 10.45am on the day of the operation, which took place in January 2011.

At noon sharp, the head anesthetist left the operating room to go for lunch. Fifteen minutes later, the head nurse anesthetist also left the patient and went for lunch.

No other anesthetist was called in to take over responsibility for the doctor who was on his lunch break.

And while another nurse was brought in to cover for the nurse anesthetist, the nurse who arrived came from the orthopedic ward and wasn't familiar with the respirator to which the 72-year-old was attached.

Suddenly, the patient started hemorrhaging and his blood pressure started to drop, sparking a "chaotic" situation.

As the patient's condition became critical shortly before 1pm, the substitute nurse tried desperately to reach the lunching anesthetist who was having a peanut butter sandwich, but to no avail.

When the doctor and the primary nurse anesthetist returned to the operating room, they discovered that the patient's respirator had been turned off, leaving him without oxygen for approximately eight minutes.

Despite immediately starting resuscitation efforts, doctors were unable to revive the man, who had suffered irreparable brain damage and died several weeks later.

The man's daughter subsequently reported the incident to the health board, which on Tuesday issued a harsh critique of the hospital's procedures.

"The operational planning, which allowed for the responsible doctor and nurse to take lunch breaks at the same time without any other doctor taking responsibility for the patient, entails taking an unacceptable risk," the agency wrote in its findings.

The agency also found fault with the fact that the doctor wasn't reachable by phone, as well as with the decision to hand responsibility for a high-risk patient with a single nurse who lacked sufficient knowledge of the equipment in use during the operation.

"The National Board of Health and Welfare finds, however, that the operation's lack of organization as well as the chaotic situation which occurred was the underlying causes behind the misjudgments and insufficient care," the agency wrote.

After I get my PhD I want to marry another PhD that loves to work, and I'll be the "stay at home" dad. Would be awesome.
In general, what do you fellas expect from work, and what do you want and what will you NOT compromise away even during hard timez?

Let's categorize as follows:

Money shit
Chore shit
Social shit
Schedule shit
Other shit
so here's the deal

in order to keep having intercourse with the same (smoking hot) woman and possibly build something akin to a long-term couple thing, I need to step things up pretty drastically and very quickly, involving, but not limited to:

- learning a new (fucking hard) language
- finding a bill-paying job abroad, ideally before quitting mine
- moving abroad
- projectingly investing (lots of) money in real estate and a new car
- some intensive training in farming, beekeeping and a bit of stockbreeding (optional in the short run but inescapable eventually)

In a word I need to get a fucking serious life in a matter of just a few weeks/months, and completely mortgage my current, relative independance and "comfort".


I'm starting to have gnawing second thoughts about if it's really worth pursuing this specific "ideal". Not wanting to enter into big details here, as I don't even have a clear picture myself, suffice to say I feel slightly to decidedly uncomfortable with some aspects of said relationship, including my ability to cope on a permanent basis with hyperactivity, selfishness and moodiness, traits that seem extremely pregnant in her (I even suspect some kind of mild psychological disorder to be honest...).

I feel a bit stuck, and yet have to throw the dice one way or another impendingly.

Any input, boobs or non-cascadian reco would be appreciated...

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