what the fuck to do with my life plz

- learning a new (fucking hard) language
- finding a bill-paying job abroad, ideally before quitting mine
- moving abroad

hyperactivity, selfishness and moodiness, traits that seem extremely pregnant in her (I even suspect some kind of mild psychological disorder to be honest...)

What language and where?

And these traits you say your lady friend possesses are simply the female condition. No need to start worrying about some kind of disorder.
so here's the deal

in order to keep having intercourse with the same (smoking hot) woman and possibly build something akin to a long-term couple thing, I need to step things up pretty drastically and very quickly, involving, but not limited to:

- learning a new (fucking hard) language
- finding a bill-paying job abroad, ideally before quitting mine
- moving abroad
- projectingly investing (lots of) money in real estate and a new car
- some intensive training in farming, beekeeping and a bit of stockbreeding (optional in the short run but inescapable eventually)

In a word I need to get a fucking serious life in a matter of just a few weeks/months, and completely mortgage my current, relative independance and "comfort".


I'm starting to have gnawing second thoughts about if it's really worth pursuing this specific "ideal". Not wanting to enter into big details here, as I don't even have a clear picture myself, suffice to say I feel slightly to decidedly uncomfortable with some aspects of said relationship, including my ability to cope on a permanent basis with hyperactivity, selfishness and moodiness, traits that seem extremely pregnant in her (I even suspect some kind of mild psychological disorder to be honest...).

I feel a bit stuck, and yet have to throw the dice one way or another impendingly.

Any input, boobs or non-cascadian reco would be appreciated...

You're blinded by the pussay, bang it for a few more weeks and snap on back to reality. You're really going to change you're entire life for a "possible" nutcase who've you known for x amount of time?
so here's the deal

in order to keep having intercourse with the same (smoking hot) woman and possibly build something akin to a long-term couple thing, I need to step things up pretty drastically and very quickly, involving, but not limited to:

- learning a new (fucking hard) language
- finding a bill-paying job abroad, ideally before quitting mine
- moving abroad
- projectingly investing (lots of) money in real estate and a new car
- some intensive training in farming, beekeeping and a bit of stockbreeding (optional in the short run but inescapable eventually)

In a word I need to get a fucking serious life in a matter of just a few weeks/months, and completely mortgage my current, relative independance and "comfort".


I'm starting to have gnawing second thoughts about if it's really worth pursuing this specific "ideal". Not wanting to enter into big details here, as I don't even have a clear picture myself, suffice to say I feel slightly to decidedly uncomfortable with some aspects of said relationship, including my ability to cope on a permanent basis with hyperactivity, selfishness and moodiness, traits that seem extremely pregnant in her (I even suspect some kind of mild psychological disorder to be honest...).

I feel a bit stuck, and yet have to throw the dice one way or another impendingly.

Any input, boobs or non-cascadian reco would be appreciated...

okay while i think change is good, and in general, stepping up your game and getting your shit sorted is also good, reading this i got the spontaneous impression of a disaster waiting to happen

not only is it probably not worth it to go after a crazy chick, you also don't really know how you're going to cope with changing almost every aspect of your life. living in a country where you have no friends and don't speak the language is tough enough, but if this woman has any trace of being CONTROLLING or MANIPULATIVE i would watch the fuck out as you're going to be living with her and she's going to be the only one you know in the entire country.

worst case scenario, the relationship sours but you'll still be stuck with her in a foreign country, in debt, with no easy way out. IF there is any part of you that reckons this might not turn out totally rosy then prepare for some pretty hardcore misery when the shit hits da fan.

so if you're actually asking the internet for advice, based on only what you've written, i would have to say don't do it
that said, i'm a fucking wuss so what do i know

go ahead, burn the past fuck everything and do something crazy, worst case scenario you'll end up with some wild stories to tell your grandkids

or buried and forgotten in a cold and nameless grave in a czech wheat field
A rather drastic thing to do for a woman it seems like youre not even sure you want to be with...?
That said, the Czech Republic is an awesome place.
or buried and forgotten in a cold and nameless grave in a czech wheat field

that actually sounds like best case scenario.

Thing is, the "change of life" aspect was, and is, of significant appeal to me, especially since, at almost 34, I won't get many more opportunities to take the big exciting plunge out of comfort zone, except by following in Tully's footsteps maybe.

Alas at this point, having had a peak at the "true colours" of said person, I don't really see any course that wouldn't end up in trouble and, as Erik put it, misery, within less than six months. But then again how much is just cowardly thinking.

All right, emo chapter closed. If I soon pull a J./Margugs/[insert random RC castaway], you'll know to burn a baguette-scented candle in my memory.

my advice depends on that photo.

not gonna happen, but I'm pretty sure you posted a resembling pic in one of the dorian threads
that actually sounds like best case scenario.

Thing is, the "change of life" aspect was, and is, of significant appeal to me, especially since, at almost 34, I won't get many more opportunities to take the big exciting plunge out of comfort zone, except by following in Tully's footsteps maybe.
well it's not necessarily a good thing to get out of one's comfort zone, especially not if it involves changing your entire life for no good reason

if you are reasonably sure that the change will be for the better, then sure, go nuts

and i do think people are too comfortable and should try some crazy shit every once in a while – but it goes both ways. some people are too quick to assume that any change is good, when in fact there is not usually a good reason to go out and actively make yourself uncomfortable


maybe you should think long and hard and then make a list (lol) of all the positive and negative things that could come of this

if the list of negatives ends up a lot longer then you know not to do it, and vice versa
Never do anything because of a woman. If all that is stuff you want to do, go for it. But I guarantee even if you manage all that to get in good with her, it will turn on you.
If all that is stuff you want to do

As a matter of fact I do...

learn new language --> been wanting that for years, and Czech actually sounds nice
get into farming --> great life goal I'd say
live in foreign land --> done that already, does not scare me one bit

all the more frustrating the situation.
cope on a permanent basis with hyperactivity, selfishness and moodiness, traits that seem extremely pregnant in her (I even suspect some kind of mild psychological disorder to be honest...).


Don't do it man.

Do the same shit but in canada instead and find some farmer's daughter to bang on the way instead of hitching onto a czech psycho.

Except for the psycho bitch stuff, worst thing that can happen is pretty much that you end up moving back where you are now extremely broke so that part's all fine and dandy.

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